Empathy Quotient

The last time I did this, my EQ was 5 🙁


Your Empathizing Quotient is 9. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have a lower than average ability for understanding how other people feel and responding appropriately".

Your Systemizing Quotient is 35. Baron-Cohen (2003) suggests that this means "you have an average ability for analysing and exploring a system".

Yes, eat that! I'm almost 2x more empathetic than in 2011! Empathy up 80%!

According to Musings of an Aspie:

Possible scores range from 0 to 80. The average NT scores from two different studies were 47 and 50 for women and 41 and 42 for men. The average aspie score is 20.

A general scoring guideline:

  • 0-32 = below average
  • 33-52 = average
  • 53-63 = above average
  • 64-80 = significantly above average

Eh. Truly I am still cold and heartless.

Anyway, I just saw something really awesome on that site!


Stimming jewellery and accessories. They have fidget rings. This reminds of how I had to stop wearing my thumb ring, because at every opportunity I would take it off and fidget with it, and though it would annoy me, I couldn't stop. So in the end, I just shut it away in my trinket box.

But this looks super awesome! Look look:

Chewy Jewellery

(I later found the same thing for super cheap on eBay)

Lately, I've taken to even chewing my name badge at work, which I have a feeling I might one day get pulled up for. I've noticed that this last month I've been stimming in general more than usual and more noticeably.

I totally want a chewy stim necklace!! This one in particular looks great!

Chewy Necklaces

Eee! And you know what's making me squee even more? The first three colours match the three bottles of Crazy Color I recently bought!! >_< Super epic mega fangirl SQUEE!



PS No one seems to know how to spell "fuchsia".

It's FU CH S I A.

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