Tag Archives: Polls

There’s No Such Thing as a Split Infinitive

The infinitive of "go" is just "go".

"To go" is a prepositional phrase headed by the word "to".


Really though, it doesn't matter at all.

Is there such a thing as a split infinitive in English?

  • There's no such thing! 44.44% (8 votes)
  • I don't even know what this question means 33.33% (6 votes)
  • Yes, but I split them freely 22.22% (4 votes)
  • Yes, and I never split infinitives 0% (0 votes)

Total Votes: 18

How Do You Feel About DRM?

In honour of my new-found infection (and also, cos the last poll bombed).

Now that the storm over Securom has long-since blown over, has your opinion of DRM on games changed?

How do you feel about aggressive copy-protection like SecuROM?

  • I continue to boycott all publishers that use aggressive DRM 40.63% (13 votes)
  • Yar har fiddle-de-dee, being a pirate is all right with me ♫ 34.38% (11 votes)
  • I still buy infected games, but run them on a no-CD to prevent infection 15.63% (5 votes)
  • Huh? I'm only here to read about Selene and Endymion 6.25% (2 votes)
  • I'm used to it; it doesn't really bother me 3.11% (1 votes)

Total Votes: 32

What Do You Think the Hopkinsville Goblins Were?

  • Bulletproof aliens 50% (7 votes)
  • A hoax 21.43% (3 votes)
  • No idea whatsoever 14.29% (2 votes)
  • Bulletproof pranksters 7.14% (1 votes)
  • Jinn 7.14% (1 votes)
  • Bulletproof owls/monkeys 0% (0 votes)

Total Votes: 14

The Kelly–Hopkinsville encounter is the name given to a series of incidents of close encounters with supposed extraterrestrial beings. These were reported in the autumn of 1955, the most famous and well-publicized of which centred around a rural farmhouse at the time belonging to the Sutton family, which was located between the hamlet of Kelly and the small city of Hopkinsville, both in Christian County, Kentucky, United States. It is from these main incidents that the entire case takes its name.

Continue reading

Guess My Age!


  • 21-25 16.67% (17 votes)
  • 18-20 13.73% (14 votes)
  • 26-29 13.73% (14 votes)
  • 40+ 13.73% (14 votes)
  • 15-17 12.75% (13 votes)
  • Under 12 9.8% (10 votes)
  • 12-14 9.8% (10 votes)
  • 30-34 6.86% (7 votes)
  • 35-39 2.94% (3 votes)

Total Votes: 102

You guys suck, you know that? 😀

What gaming platforms do you own?


  • PC - 27.21% (40 votes)
  • Wii - 21.09% (31 votes)
  • Nintendo DS/i - 17.69% (26 votes)
  • PS2 - 8.84% (13 votes)
  • Other - 7.48% (11 votes)
  • Xbox - 5.44% (8 votes)
  • PSP - 4.08% (6 votes)
  • PS3 - 3.4% (5 votes)
  • Sega Megadrive - 2.72% (4 votes)
  • The cheap £10 one you get from Lidl, yeah! - 2.04% (3 votes)

Total Votes:


Who’s Your Favourite Kunoichi?

It's time for a new poll and I can't think of anything better than this.

  • Haku (how did this get in? Please check. Ed.) 17% (10 votes)
  • Sakura 16% (9 votes) (why?)
  • Hinata 14% (8 votes)
  • Konan 10% (6 votes)
  • Temari 9% (5 votes)
  • Anko 9% (5 votes)
  • Ino 9% (5 votes)
  • Tenten 5% (3 votes)
  • Tsunade 5% (3 votes)
  • Shizune 3% (2 votes)
  • Kurenai 3% (2 votes)

Total Votes: 58

Winner: Haku

Haku feels like a woman

Man, I feel like a woman!

Blue Hair or Pink Hair?

  • Blue hair - 52% (43 votes)
  • Pink hair - 29% (24 votes)
  • Wha??? - 18% (15 votes)

Total Votes: 82

Say what you like, this poll was rigged. I mean, I don't get that many votes on my polls, yet somehow blue went from 4 votes to 29 in like two days?

kiki squee


But then again, Geoffrey has blue hair and he is utterly handsome so I declare blue the winner.

What Are Your Feelings Towards EA?

Poll results Total votes: 58

  • $#@£"%*"!!! Those taffers aren't getting a penny more out of me! (34.5% / 20 votes)
  • I'm unhappy with them, but I desperately want [insert game here], so I won't boycott (36.2% / 21 votes)
  • I'm indifferent, really (17.2% / 10 votes)
  • EA's cool! What's your problem, dude? (12.1% / 7 votes)

Whoa... 12% of voters are total crawlers for EA. Scary.