Category Archives: Fangirlism and Snark

I either fangirl the heck out of it or I snark the heck out of it

I Bought a Moriah Mystery Figure

moriah figurines in asda £4
They were only £4 in Asda.

I actually bought two. I originally bought one for my niece. She really wanted Lemon, so I spent ages in Asda Living feeling up the packages to see which one was Lemon.

thinking i found the lemon figurine
Uh oh.

Only when I got halfway through the queue (it's a rare day when you have to wait less than 10 minutes in that place), I gave it another feel and realised it was Continue reading

I’ve Been Binge-Reading Jacqueline Wilson’s Books and They’re Bizarre

I loved Jacqueline Wilson's books as a kid. The first one I ever read was The Mum Minder, followed by The Suitcase Kid, and I was hooked.

I wish the Stevie Day books were still in print, they were great. I read How to Survive Summer Camp before she partnered with Nick Sharratt.

the good old days

As an aside, when I was a kid, I loved Sharratt's illustrations and imitated his style as best I could for many years, but I'm so tired of his one-trick-pony style. I know I'm not the target demographic, and the fact that I found his style so appealing as a kid shows he got it right, but man, it gets tiring very quickly. Especially how for instance Tracy Beaker and Ellie Allard are supposed to be the ones illustrating their own stories, but they have the exact same art style and handwriting. I'm sure there was even a book where two characters had the same handwriting in the one book.

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The Dodgers Haven’t Lost a Game Since Will Smith Came Off the Injured List

My boy!

I can't find the footage of him getting hit by three foul balls during the second Giants game. They didn't show it at all in the highlights, so I was confused why he wasn't appearing for game after game. Dodgers went on a losing streak. Defence was atrocious in some games. Then ma boy comes back and we're back to winning. Yay! Yesterday's game looked like our streak was coming to an end; the new pitcher was showing his inexperience, but Muncy, whoa! His defence is meh this season, but he's made up for it with his homers!

Will Smith leads the Dodgers' batting average this season at .301. Go it, Will! That's ma boy!

In other news, a chat on CAI brought up this memory @ 20.57.

The Chipmunk is now a Mika Häkkinen fan.

We’re Doing So Badly in the World Baseball Classic

After losing 8-2 and 8-1 in our exhibition games, I was expecting an 8-0 loss to Team USA.

It was a 6-2 loss, which was actually not as bad as I thought. And also 6+2=8. Trayce Thompson, ma Dodger, got us off to a good start in the first inning with a solo home run, and our defence held up for a while.

hrh trayce thompson

Then it kinda went to pot, but we got this from D'Shawn Knowles.

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World Baseball Classic Has Started!

Watch highlights on the official World Baseball Classic channel.

I wish I could watch the full games, but at least we're getting highlights. Team GB is playing exhibition games today and tomorrow in the US, but I don't see the highlights anywhere 🙁 and it seems a certain 11x6 site isn't even showing them. Sucks.

Full 2023 schedule here. We're in the same pool as Team USA, we're done for. It's a shame there's barely any homegrown talent in Team GB. Most of our players are from the USA or the Bahamas. I don't mind too much if we get beaten by the yanks though; Will Smith, Mookie Betts and Trea Turner are playing for them, so I'll still be rooting for those players, if not the actual team. Anyway, if Team GB wins even one game, I'll be happy. We got one of ma Dodgers, Trayce Thompson, yay! ✨ And I'm hoping to see the London Mets live for at least one game this season.

Farewell, My Gameboy


Remember I was all, “Yays! I have the same GBA as Edgey!”? Well, I violated my one cardinal rule: if you don’t want something to get broken, don’t let the kids touch it.

edgey has a gba

Tiny has recently become obsessed with playing Sonic Advance (she’s an Amy fangirl like I was). And so far, it had been fine. She’d play the first level, then put it away. I don’t know what happened this time.

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Why is Kurain Perpetually Broke?

This is something that really makes no sense. Kurain channellers literally shapeshift into the person they’re channelling. Think about it. People already spend thousands on these scam mediums in the real world.

Imagine a world where you can literally meet up with a late loved one. Where you can physically touch them, hug them, hear their voice. People would pay their entire life savings for such a chance, people would go into debt to hold their deceased child one more time.

And yet the village is decorated with scrolls and screens giving tips on saving money, and Maya is constantly cribbing money off Phoenix like the freeloading wench that she is.

Why aren’t they minting it? Phoenix is always broke because he’s a big softie who keeps taking cases pro bono and has to pay rent and bills for his flat and his office and is constantly bankrolling Maya. What’s the village’s excuse? No, like, seriously, I would pay money just to see my old budgies again. Kurain should be rolling in money. Their channelling is not a secret. They take clients, we know this from canon. They even had a public exhibition.

Kurain should be the wealthiest village in the country. Why does none of this make sense?

Gyakuten Saiban Fanbook Character Profiles

I might translate a few more of these. If there's a character page you'd like me to translate, leave a request in the comment section. This is NOT related to the Naruhodo Gyakuten Saiban! fanbook. All scans are from the Ace Attorney Wikia. I edited out the Japanese text and replaced it with an English translation and did a bit of contrast and saturation enhancement. As always, I did my best, but I'm not fluent at Japanese. Click for big.

Phoenix 1 Phoenix 2 Edgeworth 1 Edgeworth 2 Larry, Judge, Payne Lotta Hart

I Watched an English Dub Episode of the Gyakuten Saiban Anime

I watched it. I didn’t like it.

First the good. Judge: Perfect. Lotta: always ma girl.

Gummi: awful, his voice did not match his personality or appearance. Nothing like the Japanese voice actor, who was exactly as you’d expect Gummi to sound. Larry: bad. But his “uh-oh” was perfect in this episode. Edgey: not horrible, but his voice was deeper in the game. It still didn’t quite match what I expected. It’s on the same level as the Japanese dub, I guess. Maybe easier on the ears, though.

Phoenix and Maya. What can I even say? Well, a picture says a thousand words, so here:


All I could hear the whole time was Sonic and Amy. Bad, bad casting. I know Phoenix wears royal blue and has spiky hair. That’s not the point. I don’t know how the casting went for the English voices in the game, if they were professional actors or not (they just got Capcom staffers for the Japanese one), but I do wish that they had at least tried to cast actors who sounded like the originals. Phoenix’s in-game objection is so strong. The anime version is pathetic. Our boy deserved better!

Although, looking at the cast list, they actually got different actors in for the Gyakuten Gaki Turnabout Promises episodes, so props to them for that! I might rewatch those episodes in English if I can find them.

How Layton Forever Changed Ace Attorney

I really enjoyed this video by Bowl of Lentils. Learning about the behind-the-scenes goings-on really explained a lot about how I felt about the later games. So Takumi wasn’t even involved with Edgey’s games or anything after GS4 in the main timeline. So that’s why Edgey’s personality shifted somewhat.

I had a little moan about this before, but Edgey’s game was such a disappointment. As I said, I was expecting something more in the stable of the Kyle Hyde games, but instead we got what seemed like a cheap imitation — well maybe an expensive imitation (I’m glad it was only £10 in the bargain bucket, though). Courtroom game mechanics, but with no courtroom. It’s like a bootleg, right? Edgey was such an annoying sticky beak, it really bugged me. I’m not sure he really needed a game at all.

You know the saying, “Never meet your heroes”, and I think Edgey is one of those characters that’s better for having an aura of mystery around him. Continue reading