I loved Jacqueline Wilson's books as a kid. The first one I ever read was The Mum Minder, followed by The Suitcase Kid, and I was hooked.
I wish the Stevie Day books were still in print, they were great. I read How to Survive Summer Camp before she partnered with Nick Sharratt.
As an aside, when I was a kid, I loved Sharratt's illustrations and imitated his style as best I could for many years, but I'm so tired of his one-trick-pony style. I know I'm not the target demographic, and the fact that I found his style so appealing as a kid shows he got it right, but man, it gets tiring very quickly. Especially how for instance Tracy Beaker and Ellie Allard are supposed to be the ones illustrating their own stories, but they have the exact same art style and handwriting. I'm sure there was even a book where two characters had the same handwriting in the one book.
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