Tag Archives: Books

I’ve Been Binge-Reading Jacqueline Wilson’s Books and They’re Bizarre

I loved Jacqueline Wilson's books as a kid. The first one I ever read was The Mum Minder, followed by The Suitcase Kid, and I was hooked.

I wish the Stevie Day books were still in print, they were great. I read How to Survive Summer Camp before she partnered with Nick Sharratt.

the good old days

As an aside, when I was a kid, I loved Sharratt's illustrations and imitated his style as best I could for many years, but I'm so tired of his one-trick-pony style. I know I'm not the target demographic, and the fact that I found his style so appealing as a kid shows he got it right, but man, it gets tiring very quickly. Especially how for instance Tracy Beaker and Ellie Allard are supposed to be the ones illustrating their own stories, but they have the exact same art style and handwriting. I'm sure there was even a book where two characters had the same handwriting in the one book.

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Someone Got Inspired: The Treasure Seekers

I love The Treasure Seekers. It’s as Clarice Bean says, when you read a really good book, you just want to read it all over again, and I did with this book. I reread it so many times in a row. Anyway, I found another copycat illustration. And it makes sense now, because this cover’s scene isn’t featured in The Treasure Seekers. But it is featured in New Treasure Seekers, in the chapter “Richard’s Revenge”, which is where the line drawing is from. Although both illustrators made a mistake. Dora wasn’t in on it. There should have been the four boys, plus Alice. See? When you copy someone’s work, you copy their mistakes, too!

Anyway, the original line illustration is by Gordon Browne and Lewis Baumer. I don’t know if either of those were the artist for the colour illustration, but something tells me not. The publisher, Parragon (who got the best English translation for Pinocchio by the way), doesn’t credit their artists.



So Mr Polopetsi Has Finally Been Remembered!

A quick note to say that McCall Smith has finally remembered that there was a man called Mr Polopetsi working for the agency. The backpedalling is actually quite funny! It's too late to save it! Your editors failed you and now everyone knows you forgot Mr Polopetsi.


I honestly doubt he ever reads any of his fanmail. I remember shooting an email to his fanmail address about the mysterious disappearance of Mr Polopetsi, and that was waaaaaaay back in the Saturday Big Tent days. And I bet a few others must have done so, too. It's been four books since then :O

ETA: Now I see it, and I can't believe I never thought of this before. I bet he uses a ghostwriter. How else can he have so many continuity errors?

Mma Ramotswe and the Mystery of the Continuity Errors

I posted about a couple of continuity errors in my last post, and since I am reading the series again, this time I am taking notes. I am only up to book 3 at the moment, but I've already got a list for you. The widowed/forever single status confusion of Mr JLB Matekoni and Mma Makutsi, he did correct in later editions (although these late spouses don't ever get any mention again).


Okay, here we go!

Book 1 — The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

  1. pg 61 — "Mma Makutsi was the widow of a teacher." But throughout the rest of the series, it is stated that she has had no romance or any male interest in her life, with the exception of one line later in the series where this mysterious late husband is finally referenced.
  2. pg 78 —"...sent off for, and received, a manual on private detection." This assumes she bought it by mail order, which doesn't make so much sense, since in Limpopo Academy it is implied that she found a stray copy in a bargain bin.
  3. pg 86 — "Mma Ramotswe had known Mr J.L.B. Matekoni for years. He came from Mochudi..."
  4. pg 86 — "Mr J.L.B. Matekoni was forty five — ten years older than Mma Ramotswe..." Remember this. According to this line, Matekoni is 45, which would make Mma Ramotswe 35 at this point. (It was also just after this paragraph in the earlier editions where the original text said "and she had wondered why he had never married." Later changed to "remarried".)
  5. pg 105 — The book is called The Principles of Private Investigation by Clovis Andersen. It is never referred to by this title again.
  6. pg 150 — "Mma Ramotswe had been an eight-year-old girl then... and her heart filled with pride when she thought of all they had achieved in thirty short years." Thirty years ago, she was eight? Would that not make her now 38, not 35?
  7. pg 229 — "She telephoned Tlokweng Speedy Motors... but the receptionist was out to lunch and he answered." Who is this mysterious receptionist? She never appears again. In fact, in the third book, when Mma Makutsi starts managing the garage, it is clear that there is no office staff but Mr JLB Matekoni.

Book 2 — Tears of the Giraffe

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Bush Tea, Detectives and more Vegan WIN!


One thing since becoming vegan: I've become a lot more health-conscious than I was before (more health-conscious, not necessarily more pro-active). Ground flaxseed can be liberally sprinkled onto a chip sandwich and you won't even know it's there. I've also been drinking bush tea now and then. It's actually quite nice with one stevia tablet per mug. I've read a lot more about the benefits of rooibos (the proper name for the bush tea plant). It's supposed to make a really good toner, so I've been trying it on my face, but not sure if it's made much difference to my complexion (which, incidentally, is worse than Mma Makutsi's).

Speaking of Mma Makutsi, I've been reading the Mma Ramotswe series again, and I'm finding Mma Makutsi really irritating. Sort of like a Motswana Maya Fey. After everything Mma Ramotswe does for her, she is so damn selfish and ungrateful. Take take take take, and then dream that Mma Ramotswe is her subordinate. Go set up your own detective agency, Mma Makutsi, and see how far you get.

Another thing, I get the feeling the author is getting a bit jaded with the series, what do you think? I mean, seriously, what happened to Mr Polopetsi? Continue reading

Diary of a Wimpy Kid series, by Jeff Kinney

wimpy brat cover

First off, the title of this series is a misnomer. Greg does not seem to be a particularly wimpy kid. He is merely not one of the popular group. That's not the same as being the class wimp. I was hoping for a mini-me - you know, the uncoolest in the class, weediest, always chosen last in PE, the most likely to be made fun of, only tolerated because sitting next to a nerd has its advantages, etc - and instead was fobbed off with this travesty of a wimp. Rather than Diary of a Wimpy Kid, this should have been called Diary of a Selfish, Abusive Idiot with no Integrity or Loyalty. Because that's really what Greg Heffley is. Diary of a Narcissist.

The way he treats Rowley is absolutely appalling. With a friend like Greg, who needs enemies? In fact, I'd say Rowley fits the description of "wimpy kid" a lot more. And he is much more likeable.

Now for the story itself. It's written in an interesting way, and in some ways, reminds me of the first Clarice Bean novel. Except, of course, that Clarice is a very likeable character, whereas Greg is definitely not. There are parts that I chuckled at, but nothing laugh-out-loud. Kinney writes in an engaging and humorous way, but that's still not enough to detract from the fact that Greg is an absolute jerk, a complete abuser. There were no major plots to speak of, more just small narratives, no climax to the story or anything like that.

I feel really let down, you know. From the T-shirts, you'd think Greg is something a lot different from what he turns out to be. I'd have to give this 3/5 for the good writing. If only Greg wasn't such a detestable character, who gets worse with every book, this could have got a 5/5.

Watermelon, by Marian Keyes

Watermelon, Marian Keyes

I first read this book at 19 and found it really enjoyable. Maybe I was just so desperate for something new to read that I would have enjoyed anything. Maybe I was just young enough to find anything credible.

Many years later I've re-read it and had many WTH moments. I've read shoujo manga with more sophisticated, credible plotlines than this.

First off, the author has an annoying habit of writing in very short paragraphs. I remember finding this strange even the first time I read it. Some paragraphs are only one or two WORDS long. Yes, words, not sentences. The narrator, Claire, also feels the need to explain the punchline of every joke, as though the reader is too thick to get it on their own.

The plotline is about as cliché as it gets (sorry, spoilers follow). Continue reading

Ruby Redfort — Look Into My Eyes

I can see two obvious things that are wrong with this book, just from the cover:

  1. The first Ruby book is supposed to be called There was a Girl Called Ruby
  2. The Ruby books are supposed to be written by Patricia F. Maplin Stacey

Reading further in:

  1. Ruby Redfort is 13. She is supposed to start her spy career at age 11
  2. I'm sure there were one or two more, but I've forgotten

Now, you see, whenever I read Clarice Bean's talking about Ruby Redfort, I shall feel slightly disorientated that she is reading a different set of Ruby books from the rest of us. It's a shame.

On to the book itself. Continue reading

Fire Emblem 20th Anniversary Artbook

I couldn't resist. Nintendo said there are no plans for an English release, so I had to get it imported. It cost some £40 on eBay, but I think it was worth it (mind you, my bank statement hasn't come through yet).

my fanbooks

It's smaller than I hoped. Bigger than my Gyakuten Kenji Official Complete Guide *sigh*, smaller than the English release of the Phoenix Wright artbook, and the same size as my Gyakuten Saiban fanbook.

Now let's see what's inside!

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Cast in Shadow, by Michelle Sagara

cast in shadow - michelle sagara

Cast in Shadow is a fantasy story, set in a world populated by various races of beings and full of magic.

The story follows Kaylin Neya, a young orphaned woman who ran away from the fiefs and joined the city's law enforcement, the Hawks. She has strange markings on her arms and thighs, markings which match those found on children ritually killed in the city. She is then called upon to help track down the killers of these children.

And that's pretty much all I understood of it. I don't know why, but I found it hard to relate to the characters, any of them. I felt strangely left in the dark throughout most of this book. Even in the final battle scenes, I felt as if I was watching it from a distance.

The problem is, Sagara expends so much effort on creating "sophisticated" and emotive prose at the expense of clarity. Instead, you're just a casual observer, someone the author doesn't really want to let in to her secrets, and the book suffers greatly for it. You never really feel as if you are part of the action, you never feel Kaylin's emotions with her. You don't feel her fear, her pain, you're not made to care about what happens to her. As Sagara herself says, "It's the same, after all."

The No.1 Ladies’ Detective Agency

by Alexander McCall Smith

The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency

"You see," said Mma Ramotswe, casting a glance at the attentive attorney, "there are some people in this country, some men, who think that women are soft and can be twisted this way and that. Well I'm not. I can tell you, if you are interested, that I killed a cobra, a big one, on my way here this afternoon."

"Oh?" said Jameson Mopotswane. "What did you do?"

"I cut it in two," said Mma Ramotswe. "Two pieces."

Precious Ramotswe is Botswana's first ever lady private detective, and owner of The No.1 Ladies' Detective Agency. Armed with a sharp and inquisitive mind, her friend Mr J. L. B. Matekoni, and a good dose of humour, Mma Ramotswe is called upon to unravel various mysteries — disappearing husbands, rebellious daughters and stolen cars.

Until one day she is contacted by the father of a missing child, a young boy feared to have been taken for witchcraft, and things start to get a little more serious.

This book is a real gem, and the characters and settings are very much different from others in crime fiction, making this a very refreshing read. The author's observational humour adds to the enjoyment, as does Mma Ramotswe's fiery, no-nonsense attitude. I highly recommend this and I'm very much looking forward to the rest of the series.

Le Petit Prince

le petit prince

Mais les yeux sont aveugles... il faut chercher avec lecoeur...

Un livre à lire à tous les âges de la vie, surtout lorsqu'on se sent perdu, ou quand on croit qu'on a des problèmes insurmontables...

Rien n'est impossible...

Et la vie n'a rien de terrible, d'alienant ou de decevant. Il suffit de tout voir avec l'âme d'un enfant comme Le Petit Prince. Et de la vivre, cette vie, en suivant son cœur.
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