Tag Archives: Evalor

My AD&D Campaign World — Dungeon Master Version

Here it is. It's only been sitting on my HD for 6 years. It's still something of a WIP. On the off-chance that you do read my AD&D fiction, these do contain major spoilers. This is for your own personal, non-commercial use only. You may not distribute any derivative works outside your game sessions. Contains maps, lore and place notes, plus quests and mini adventures.

zephyr magic carpet

I designed this for a one-player game with my nephew, so it uses Zephyr as an NPC retainer for one of the missions, but you can easily change it to fit your players. This is the version for dungeon masters.

DOWNLOAD: evalor-adventure.7z

Covid, Old English and Fleshing Out the Universe

Ugh... Covid, the gift that keeps on giving. Every day brings a new surprise. I mean, I'm lucky I didn't get it that badly. I was still able to get on with chores and so on. I don't know what variant I got. I'm assuming omicron. Anyway, the first day I got a nasty headache and a mild cough. Like I said, my 15 year milk allergy cough was way worse. This wasn't even as bad as a normal cold cough. The headache was awful though. It was stabbing pains in my temples, and shooting pains down the centre of my head, and then stabbing pains at the back. The next day from when I woke up, I could smell puke all the time. Later in the day it changed to a vinegary puke smell, then just rotten vinegar. Things smelt and tasted normal, though. This only lasted a day, because the next day I lost all sense of smell, and I still haven't regained it. Most food tastes okay, if slightly off, but I have gone off carrots.

Then I started getting stabbing pains down my sides.

I keep getting light-headed spells. Continue reading

Revisiting My Old Sketchbooks 1 — Ferys’s Gang Edition

I was having a look through my old notebooks to find my old Dreamsong chapter 6 draft (which I did, by the way, and it was as bad as I thought). And of course, I got a little nostalgic seeing all my old art, and a little put out, actually, as it seems that my skill level has gone quite a bit down since then. But I thought it would be fun to share my trip down memory lane. You also get to see just how much editing goes into the lineart after scanning. Even though I prefer the experience of traditional art, digital art is necessary for me, just to fix the worst mistakes.

Anyway, I'm breaking it into two parts. To start, here are the pictures, and a few character development notes, from my AD&D gang.

Here are the original sketches for the chibis. I feel sad to think I can't even draw at that level anymore.

Raven, and a random Itachi:


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Shadows — Chapter Three

Zephyr clapped his hands. "It's one of your parents you're looking for, isn't it?"

Ferys felt his heart stop. "How did you know?"

Zephyr smiled. "Deductive reasoning. When I saw your name written in Feralian, and that you had a Feralian name, of course I assumed that you must be Feralian. And when I heard your accent come out every time you got angry, I thought it was a sure thing. But, of course, I overlooked two things." He paused dramatically. "Your eyes are the wrong colour and you don't have wings."

"Way to go, genius. Missing that sure would be easy."

Zephyr grinned. "So now I know. You're human and were kidnapped by Feralians at a young age. And now you're looking to return to your original family. Am I right?"

"You couldn't be further from the truth."

Zephyr was aghast. "No way!"

"You're a complete idiot."

"I was sure I had it."

"What would a Feralian want with a human kid? Moron."

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More on Alignments

I mentioned this in my last post, but here is the breakdown:

Chaotic Neutral

A chaotic neutral character follows his whims. He is an individualist first and last. He values his own liberty but doesn't strive to protect others' freedom. He avoids authority, resents restrictions, and challenges traditions. A chaotic neutral character does not intentionally disrupt organizations as part of a campaign of anarchy. To do so, he would have to be motivated either by good (and a desire to liberate others) or evil (and a desire to make those different from himself suffer).

A chaotic neutral character may be Continue reading

Align Thyself!

I'm getting utterly quite confused about alignments these days. It's strange, because I always thought of myself as being a goody-goody Lawful Good. Certainly at work I'm trusted to do things and know things which I would not normally be authorised to do and know.

So I was doing this quiz the other day What D&D Character Am I? and surprisingly, I'm a Chaotic Neutral Elven Ranger/Mage (what rules are they playing by? Elves can't multi-class as ranger/mages). So I knew already that I'm an elf, but Chaotic Neutral? Really?

You see, according to the official AD&D 2e definition:

Chaotic neutral characters believe that there is no order to anything, including their own actions. With this as a guiding principle, Continue reading

Feralian Profile

Background: ~struckdumb/~pureplayas529 | Phoenix's hand refs: here and here

Appearance: Feralians are similar in height and build to humans. The obvious difference is their rich-brown wings. When in non-winged form, only the eye colour gives it away; their eyes being bright orange or, very rarely, silver. Their hair ranges from dark brown to almost black, and both sexes wear it long.

They favour simple, utilitarian clothing, having little time for adornment. It's a custom for everyone to wear an armband with their name.

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Shadows — Chapter Two


There would be another hour until the gates of Fartemple were opened. Ferys wondered why they bothered with gates — a pathetic, half-baked town like this.

"It's probably more to stop people getting out."

Ferys accepted this explanation without question. What he wanted to know now was why he hadn't managed to shake off this insane elf yet.

"So... this person you're looking for..."

"Mind your own business."

Of course, Zephyr was undeterred by this. "This person you're looking for — it is a friend, or foe or neutral third party?"

"Shut up. Stop asking me questions."

"Is it someone you've to kill?"

Ferys shot him a scathing look. "I'll kill you in a minute!"


Zephyr sighed. "If I have to be killed by anyone," he smiled, "I'd want it to be you, Ferys."

"Argh!" Ferys pounded his fists on the ground. "Now I'll never kill you, just to give someone you hate the chance to do it!"

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Prescience — Chapter One

Click the thumbnails from left to right, but read the manga from right to left!

My artwork is atrocious. I’m so sorry! かにしてください !


I actually really hate making manga. I thought using tones would be quicker than doing full colour — shows how much I knew. This actually took longer. I spent my whole week off working on this, and the art still sucks, and I was so super fed up of it. I’m just mentioning this as a reminder to myself to never EVER write manga again.


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Ouen! Dai! Sei! Kou! 応援!大成功!

I did it! I did it! I clocked Hard level!

(2021 update: since then, I clocked Expert level too. AND I went to the (2012?) Comicon in Ouendan cosplay!)

Anyways, yet another fangirlism to add to the list. Here are Clarys and Zephy celebrating my success by way of awesome cosplay.

copyright silver arrows 2010

Nope, the outfits aren't wrong. It's a combined cosplay of Ouendan AND Ouran!

Shadows — Chapter One

Click the thumbnails from left to right, but read the manga from right to left!

I used to read manga at the time and just automatically formatted it manga style without thinking and I'm not bothered to redo it.

This was the first ever manga I made, and it shows. The art is very amateurish and just plain awful at times. It gets a little better towards the end pages. Anyway, this is Ferys and Zephyr's back stories.
