Lately, I've been really into the game Euro Truck Simulator 2. It's not the kind of game I'd usually play, but it's strangely gripping.
I dunno what else to say, except wait till it goes on offer on Steam. I got the base game, plus 3 EPs for £17, plus the Special Cargo pack for £1.45. It's a fun game! Try the demo to see how you like it.
Kurain is an idiocracy anyway, but that’s not what I’m ranting about today. The whole spirit-chanelling thing just doesn’t make sense in-universe.
In the real world, we can dismiss mediums as a bunch of scam artists, but in the Ace Attorney universe, it’s genuine. They would 100% have won James Randi’s $1,000,000. I mean, they literally shapeshift for all to see. There’s no way to dismiss them as frauds. And it’s not like it’s a secret. We know from the Dr Grey case that the Feys take clients, and spirit channeling is their job. We also know the cops hired Misty years back. Mia frequently appears in court post-death and Franziska literally shows the court a photo of Maya transformed into Mia.
I guess I don't give my PC enough credit. Not only did I get Piranha to run, I also managed to record the soundtrack without any (well very little and easily fixable) skipping. While I wait for the mp3s to upload, here are some PROTIPS for you:
I downloaded the Rob Blanc games and some others by Yahtzee a year or two ago, but alas, modern technology and all that. And while I do still have a Windoze 98 box, it's a lot of trouble to get out, so these games have been gathering metaphorical dust on my D drive, until I was like, oh yeah! DOS Box! Duhhhhh.
I know, I can't believe either that it's taken me 10 years to know this is a thing, but, wow, way to go, EAxis. No one sucks quite like you do (Thoma$$ sucks more, but in a different way). So actual in-game non-cheatery functions can cause your hoods to implode. I've done some VBTs to my main playing hood, namely deleting sims from the bin and moving sims in their lots from one neighbourhood to another. So realising it's only a matter of time (although it could be a long time, who knows) before my hood turns into a BFBVFS, I thought it better to just extract my sims with SimSurgery and create a brand new hood and place a list of things not to do as the neighbourhood description. Since it's been years since I played any of my old families, I can't remember their stats anyway, so I'm fine with starting them again.
The problem is, EAxis insist on planting those premades into your family bin, and control freak that I am, I just don't want any playables that I didn't make in my main hood. I followed the safe(r) method tutorial to delete them only now neither of the two new households I created are ageing. I thought the problem was the recent installation of a lifespan mod but after testing it seems the problem is more likely the batbox stage of deleting sims as before that the sim was ageing fine. So my new supposed to be unborked hood is now borked even more than my worked neighbourhood. Way to go EA. If you had just had the sense to create a non-BFBVFS delete function this wouldn't even be an issue. So now that hood has to be scrapped too.
As promised, here is my little cosplay collection.
First up, what was supposed to be Itachi's coat. I got this from Tokyo Toys @ Trocadero:
Only this is what Itachi's coat looks like, ie he can zip it up to the top:
And mine doesn't. I'm so sure the display one that I tried on was the proper one. They got this out the back and I never actually opened it until I got home.
Yeah, I'm sure it's him. Yeah, I was dressed as the freakin' Venus flytrap. Frickin' Zetsu.
Cost me £40 and a lot of regret. I actually want to sell this. I'm taking offers from anyone in the UK.
I don't know why miniature food is so cute. I'm sure people get more excited over miniature food than the real thing.
Yeah! This dude was the only KI-related thing in the ENTIRE Expo. That's why I'm never going to one again, because they never cater for the smaller fandoms, only the mainstream, which fair enough, they wanna cater to the majority so they can shift their stock, but there might be at least one or two stalls that sell merch from the smaller fandoms, ie KID ICARUS AND ACE ATTORNEY. But no, not even one mention of them. Tokyo Toys is the same.
Anyway I blurred out his face cos I didn't tell him I was gonna post his pic on the intarwebz. He has a Link tattoo.
W000o0o0ho0ho000o0o00000! You know Seasons is the one EP I really wanted. Uni I wanted for the Hang Out interaction for my stories, NL for the cars (although it also seemed the funnest out of the ones my poor XP box could handle) and OFB for no other reason than that I wanted the Magisplay tray for my screenies, which is kind of ironic, since I only bought it recently, long after I retired from Sim storytelling. But Seasons was the one I really wanted.
So despite my super-slow processor, the amazingly great graphics card (compared to the CCLOCIC) means I can actually play it! So I bought a copy second-hand (didn't I say no more of my money is going to be used to pay SHERRIE DANDAN'S wages?). I eagerly opened the box, then thought: Oh wait, this is EA we're talking about. Checked the back of the disc and ZOMGNOWAIZ! "Sony DADC"! Gaaaaah!
I didn't think any game could be as annoying as Etrian Odyssey (apart from May's Mysteries, which is THE absolute worst game I have ever played). Oh, how wrong I was. Etrian Odyssey was annoying, but at least it was beatable and fun.
I have actually given up on Etrian Odyssey II, at the last level of the 5th Stratum. Another thing, they killed the handsum paladin. You see, now I have actually grown very fond of the first game.
UK password is not even compatible with this, since none of the sequels have been released here 🙁 My guild is destined to be forever an unknown 🙁
They changed the skill sets in II. Immunise is gone for one thing, so has Relaxing, and the class names have changed for Samurai and Bard. Lame. The sprites at least have substantial legs now. Here's team 2:
Who'd have thunk it? My netbook, despite its slowness, does actually have a pretty good graphics card on board. ATI Radeon 6250 apparently. Whatever that means, it's utterly better than the CCLOCIC (crappy crap load of crap Intel chipset). I'm surprised by how smoothly TS2 is playing on here, even with the addition of another expansion pack.
Better still, anti-aliasing also seems to be enabled on here. Have a look (click for big):
Old PC vs new PC:
New PC:
Eh, anyway, it looks a LOT better, and plays a lot more smoothly (when I say "play", I haven't actually put any Sims into it yet. I'm only using it for props.)
Anyway, I did what I should have done years ago and bought my own copy of The Sims 2 base game so I could install all that shiz on my netbook instead of having to use the family PC, which always has someone staring over my shoulder while I'm trying to work. I was careful to not buy the double deluxe or whatever it's called and get a second-hand copy of the old bog standard DVD edition. Before installing I also checked online for any references to its having SuckyROM and checked the back of the disc for the Sony DADC, which was not present. Anyway, after buying OFB (again, second-hand: screw EA if they think I'm putting money into SHERRIE DANDAN'S pocket), I thought, EA sucks, let me double-check my registry just in case. And lo and behold, that old enemy of mine was now on my new netbook!
I was like, "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! They've got me again, nooooooooo!". Continue reading →
I've been replaying the Phoenix Wright trilogy recently, but there are just so many things in there that bug me. It seems beat me to most of them, but having just finished Bridge to the Turnabout, there is one massive logic fail, I wonder how no one noticed it?
I understand that for the sake of storyline, sometimes you have to have some degree of logic-fail, but this is just monumentally stupid! The following contains spoilers!
As you may know, I've probably spent more on my Ace Attorney fangirlism than any other (excepting AD&D 2e (PS D&D 4e sucks royally)). So here is a fancase I'm collaborating on: Mayane Tayke Ace Attorney - Case 1 - Turnabout Museum.