
Kid Liquorice Preview copyright silver arrows 2009 all rights reserved

The storyteller is back after a massive hiatus. This one is a bit different from my other stories – for one, it’s written in the third person, and for another, no Sims this time – pics are all by myself. Please don’t be too harsh on my doodles – first and foremost this whole thing was mainly just an extended drawing lesson and secondly, a lot of these pictures were done back when I was more beginner than I am now! So some of the art is atrocious, especially on the older pics.

Background reading

Dreamsong is based on elements from Greek mythology and the Nintendo game of Kid Icarus. I strongly recommend reading the following before reading Dreamsong if you’re not familiar with them (don’t worry, they’re not long).

Chapter One — Where Angels Fear to Tread

Dreamsong - copyright silver arrows 2009 all rights reserved
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Chapter Two — Better than a Dream

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Chapter Three — Kid Liquorice

dreamsong chapter 3
Click image to read

Chapter 4 – Skyworld

dreamsong chapter 4
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Chapter 5 – The Icarus Army

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Chapter 6 – Coming soon