Mais les yeux sont aveugles... il faut chercher avec lecoeur...

Un livre à lire à tous les âges de la vie, surtout lorsqu'on se sent perdu, ou quand on croit qu'on a des problèmes insurmontables...
Rien n'est impossible...
Et la vie n'a rien de terrible, d'alienant ou de decevant. Il suffit de tout voir avec l'âme d'un enfant comme Le Petit Prince. Et de la vivre, cette vie, en suivant son cœur.
A book to read at all ages in life, especially when one feels lost, or feels as if one has problems one can't overcome...
Nothing is impossible...
And life has nothing so terrible, alienating or disappointing. It is enough to look at everything with the soul of a child like The Little Prince. And to live it, this life, while following one's heart.
[This message was written in my copy of the book which I got second hand. Je suis désolée, Sandro et Reg, j'espère que vous pouvez me pardonner pour voler votre message, mais je l'ai trouvé trop beau]
Few books I've come across are as beautifully written and touching as this. What seems like a simple children's story is in fact a parable of life, and of the things that are most important. Most people have forgotten this truth, but the most important things are those which are easy to overlook, for it is only with the heart that we may see such things. 'Les yeux sont aveugles, il faut chercher avec le cœur...'. We concern ourselves too much with things which seem important, but are really of little use. Grown-ups are obsessed with numbers...
If you are able to understand French, even patchily, then please try to read the book in its original French. The English version is okay, but so much has been lost in translation, and the real heartbreaking beauty of the book is toned down considerably. The book in the original French brings tears to my eyes every time, the English translation does not. I find the English is really only useful for the bits where I get stuck with the French. However, whichever language you read it in, it is not a book you will forget in a hurry. It will stay with you a long time and, I hope, its message will, too.