Background: ~struckdumb/~pureplayas529 | Phoenix's hand refs: here and here
Appearance: Feralians are similar in height and build to humans. The obvious difference is their rich-brown wings. When in non-winged form, only the eye colour gives it away; their eyes being bright orange or, very rarely, silver. Their hair ranges from dark brown to almost black, and both sexes wear it long.
They favour simple, utilitarian clothing, having little time for adornment. It's a custom for everyone to wear an armband with their name.
Combat: Feralians live for combat and are, as a rule, extremely warlike and competitive. Feralian children are trained in the art of battle from a young age, so even those who go on to pursue a career outside of the military still have some proficiency in fighting.
Feralians wear little armour, favouring leather armour, if any, and do not use shields. They prefer to use speed over brute force, and are commonly armed with short swords, long swords and daggers. Their high dexterity would make them ideal archers; however, they consider ranged attack cowardly and will only use it as a last resort.
They are also highly skilled in unarmed combat. Again, they are taught martial arts from a young age.
Being anti-magical, they suffer a -1 penalty to any saving throw vs magic.
Character classes available to Feralians are fighter, thief and multi-class fighter/thief.
Habitat/Society: Feralians are restricted to the Feralian deserts, located north of Evalor and the Wastelands. This harsh climate gave rise to an even harsher people.
Originally 12 nomadic tribal nations, in the last 100 years, all but one of these were conquered by one dominant tribe, who appropriated the name "Feralian" (meaning dark winged) for themselves only. These conquered tribes were forced into submission; those who refused were killed on the spot. As a result, only a few of these people remain; their lives are harsh and oppressive, and they must give over most of what they produce as tribute. A few nobles from conquered tribes were allowed to marry within the main Feralian tribe, but only those who were thought to be able to produce strong children.
Feralian society falls within the Lawful Evil alignment. They believe laws should be there to keep the strong in power and the weak in their place. They value both mental and physical strength above all else and a weak, slow or sickly child is considered a stain on the family's honour, and may be left to die.
Disputes between individuals are often settled by trial-by-combat.
Most Feralian clans have abandoned their nomadic existence and have settled in towns and cities.
The average natural lifespan of a Feralian is 120 years.
Ecology: Feralians are universally despised and loathed by all other races. Except during the Great War, they have remained within their desert lands, as their distinctive eyes give away their racial identity immediately. They have no respect for other races, but hate Seraphenes and Graelians in particular, always attacking on sight.
This is a sub-race of the Feralians, being the tribe mentioned above that wasn't conquered. As a result, much enmity exists between the two. Though they lost much of their lands to the Feralians in the Great War, they were later able to recapture most of it with the help of the Seraphenes. The strong alliance between the two nations is what has kept Feralian aggression at bay. Since the Seraphenes are weak in combat, and the Graelians, like the Feralians, are anti-magical, the former use their magical abilities and healing skills to aid the Graelians, while the latter provide the Seraphenes with military defence.
Graelians speak their own dialect of Feralian, as well as common. Many are able to speak (although less likely to read) Seraphene at a basic level as well.
Graelians can train as a fighter, thief, fighter/thief or ranger, although they do not gain any spells for the latter, due to their non-magical nature.
Graelians differ physically from Feralians, in that their wings are a tawny or greyish-brown (hence the nickname of "Greylings"). Their hair is light or dark brown and their eye colour ranges from blue to green.
Like the Feralians, they also place a lot of emphasis on military strength; however, their alignment tends to fall towards Neutral or Chaotic Good.