As always, corrections are welcome. For more Japanese translations, please click here. マギー先生, おおきに!/Thank you, Maggie-sensei and Yukari-sama for help with the tricky bits! If there are any other mistakes, please leave a correction in the comments box below!
際限なく続いて行く 紺碧な一つの波に乗って 想像は膨らんで行く 環境の変化を憎んでもはかない |
I feel as if I'm forever upon a wave of the deepest blue And as my imagination soars, the hated changes around me become fleeting. |
あらゆる海岸を歩いてきたあなたの胸に 何が出来るだろう 会いたい時に会えない |
You who have walked coast to coast, in your heart you can probably do anything. But I cannot even see you when I want to. |
何にもいらない あなたに触れたい 街ですれ違う風が胸に染みる |
I don't need anything. I just want to feel you. This wind that passes me by in this town pierces my heart. |
思い出す度 心配してみたり 涙が一粒 だけどあなたには届かない |
Each time I remember, I start to worry And shed a tear, but I still don't reach you. |
いっそ曖昧でいいや 行動に理由を探すようになるのなら |
Maybe it's better to stay vague. Then, I'll begin to understand why I do the things I do. |
次に会う日には きっと強くなる |
But the next time that I see you,
I will surely be stronger. |
何にもいらない あなたに触れたい 行き場を失くした唄が胸に響く |
I don't need anything. I just want to feel you. A lost song resounds through my heart. |
上手く泳げないあの時の未来 どうしても遠い だけどあなたじゃなきゃ意味ない |
My future seemed so uncertain then.* You're too far from me, but without you it's nothing. |
気が付けばまたここにいる 始まりの場所 ぬくもりの声 |
If I listen closely, I can hear your warm voice again at the place we first met. |
思っていたより 甘くはないみたい いっそ今ごと とっぱらって来て欲しい |
It looks like it's not as sugar-coated as I'd thought. Now I just want to clear it all away. |
空で唄えない小鳥の声みたい こんなに苦しい だけどあなたじゃなきゃ |
Like the voice of a little bird whose song cannot reach the sky. Even though I feel such pain inside, you're the only one I can love. |
飛んで行きたい 今すぐ会いたい 自分の耳で愛してるって聞きたいの |
I want to fly away and see you right now. I want to hear you say "I love you" with my own ears. |
信じていたい 守っていきたい 繋がっていたい |
I want to believe, I want to follow you, I want to be close to you. |
* Literal translation: I couldn't swim well in my future then