Here are some stuff that I'm growing. I don't really get much space in the garden, so a good deal of these are in pots.
Here is my lamb's lettuce, which is doing quite nicely now. Got off to a bit of a tricky start. It tastes really nice.
I planted some borage in the garden, and also some indoors for the budgies, but they didn't like. I tried a leaf and it tastes kinda cucumbery, but it was too furry and I didn't like, either.
This is one of the garden ones. The bees absolutely love it. I planted one in my sister's strawberry tub, and it is making it grow more than the other strawberry plant.
These are my chamomile seedlings. The first batch died of overheating, because I forgot to take the plastic off the top and my windowsill gets very hot.
Since quinoa sprouts really easily, I thought I'd plant some and they are growing well. Here is a tip for you. If slugs are attacking your pot plants, smear a thick layer of vaseline (the only time I will ever use the crap) around the pot and liberally press salt into it. I've planted the quinoa out now, but I think they were pot-bound because they were in there for so long. The slugs also got to a couple of the plants, so there are only two left.
I also chucked some pepper seeds into some soil and saw what grew. So only these two plants survived the mega-slug-and-snail attack, but again, doing nicely. One fruit is already growing.
I bought dried thyme from Tesco and Asda, and they both taste really icky, not like thyme at all. So I am having another go growing them. They grow well enough, but always attract aphids or a horrible white spot disease, which the one in the garden still has. My two idiots have learned to like thyme, finally.
This is the chamomile later. It's Anthemis nobilis, btw, not German chamomile. The leaves smell lovely. What I'd like to know is do they taste lovely, and are they edible as a herb, in fact:
And a flower bud:
Basil for me and the two idiots:
And a mystery weed. I put bluebell seeds in there but I think windowsills are not a good place to grow them. They didn't come up, but instead this mystery weed which I am yet to identify.
I'm also growing some parsley:
And watercress. Watercress is full of awesome and it can be grown in pots.