Rob Blanc! ROB BLANC! And Childhood Gaming Nostalgia

I downloaded the Rob Blanc games and some others by Yahtzee a year or two ago, but alas, modern technology and all that. And while I do still have a Windoze 98 box, it's a lot of trouble to get out, so these games have been gathering metaphorical dust on my D drive, until I was like, oh yeah! DOS Box! Duhhhhh.

rob blanc

rob blanc

I used to love these freeware games when I was a teenager (which coincided with the rise of spyware and adware, so our PC was a mess and caused techie uncle to get really frustrated with us). Anyway! So the thing is, I was all, "Oh yeah! Piranha! That game had an awesome soundtrack!" It really does. We still have the CD somewhere, I'm wondering if I can find it and play that on DOSBox too. I was really hoping to rip the soundtrack, although it's been done here

but I wanted at least ten minutes of looping for my fave tracks.

Also, I lied. The main reason I got DOSBox was cos LINE WARS! I was super obsessed with this game when I was 17. Line Wars II. Line Wars II! Line Wars II is now also available as DS Homebrew!

Oh, and Acid Tetris. I loved these two tracks

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