BEHOLD: The first glimpse of Phoenix's bedroom!
Episode 11 — July 2005 Issue
Takumi Snippet
Takumi Shuu (??)
Ace Attorney's director and scriptwriter. It's rumoured his fuel is alcohol.
Status: ... It's like playing a clarinet that doesn't make the sound of do, re, mi, fa, uh, so la, ti. So every day is a pakkyamarao day.
Letters Corner
• For perks for pre-ordering "Rise from the Ashes", a soundtrack CD or files about creating the game would be nice. (Uehara, Saitama Prefecture)
• I love Ayame-san[(Iris], so I'm looking forward to it. I also love Obachan [Wendy Oldbag], so by all means, let's have more Obachan!! (Moegin, Hokkaido)
• Seeing the Ace Attorney cover issue, I immediately bought it. It's such a shame I didn't know about it until now... Since I'm so excited about it, please can we continue this corner? (Loving Rabbit ♥, Tokyo Metropolis)
• Last month's issue was super funny, too! Nick, who was stealthily drawn in Suekane-san's illustration, makes me laugh. Takumi-san, you seem really busy, but please try your best. (Ayaka, Tokyo Metropolis)
• I started to buy the magazine for the DS news, but the serialisation is too funny. Without thinking, I bought the back issues online (Rairai [?], Kanagawa Prefecture)
~ Back issues can be bought from (casual ad!)
New Wardrobe — At the Wright & Co. Law Offices
The season is changing, and it's starting to feel more and more like early summer weather. Phoenix's friends think that he always has the same look, so of course, he'll be having a proper change of wardrobe now?!
Phoenix: Hey guys, I'm back!
Pearl: Welcome back! Please have some cold barley tea!
Phoenix: Thank you. This will refresh me.
Maya: So? So? What happened? Did you get the request?
Phoenix: No, I was rejected in the end.
Maya: Huuuuuh? Why?
Phoenix: So I've been at the detention centre since morning doing the interview, and it ended up being completely pointless.
Maya: It was a murder suspect right? You were speaking to him on the phone before.
Phoenix: I'm worried, you know. This month has been really bad.
Maya: Hmmm, what do you think, Pearly?
Well, his face is a little tired, isn't it?
Nick, you kinda overdid it on Golden Week, didn't you?
Whose fault was that, actually?
Maya: Well, okay, yes, it was mine too. I don't seem to have had much luck, lately.
Pearl: Mr Nick, how about you?
Phoenix: Well, let's see. There was a prize draw recently, and I was lucky enough to win a T-shirt, I guess.
Maya: Huh? What prize draw?
Phoenix: From a CD I bought. There was this offer in it.
Pearl: Mr Nick, what kind of music do you like listening to?
Lately I'm into punk rock. Galaxy Devil Killer Panthers.
What kind of stupid name is that?
Phoenix: Well, it was that kind of music. The T-shirt design was kind of at that low level, too.
Pearl: But it's still good, Mr Nick! You're lucky!
It's an evil spirit, you know.
Phoenix: That reminds me. It's June now, right? It's time to change our wardrobe for the season.
Pearl: "Change our wardrobe"? Can you tell me more about it?
Phoenix: As far as explaining it, there isn't really much to say, is there?
Maya: Well. Imagine it from the point of view of a prawn. It transforms plain wheat flour to tempura flour. That's the kind of feeling it evokes.
Pearl: Ah! That makes so much sense!
Phoenix: That is honestly the worst metaphor ever.
Maya: All right, Pearly! Today we are going to be daring and get out our summer clothes!
Pearl: Yes, Mystic Maya!
Phoenix: Wait, summer clothes? Aren't your clothes always summer clothes?
Maya: Ha ha ha! You're so naive, Nick!
Pearl: It's true our costumes are suitable for summer, too.
Phoenix: So what's actually changing then?
Pearl: Of course, it's the fabric, I think. I don't know for sure, but I think it's cooler...
Maya: Yes, yes, that's right!
Phoenix: So, this fabric, what is it?
Maya: Eh! Well for sure, it's, umm, that. You know. That... polypropylene.
Phoenix: What on Earth is that?
Maya: It's cool, right? Polypropylene. It's cute.
Phoenix: I swear that's all you want to talk about.
Maya: No. Just once in a while, I really want to start talking about polypropylene.
Phoenix: But in the first place, it's just a synthetic fibre.
Maya: Yeah, but you're a fine one to talk.
Phoenix: Huh? What?
Maya: You just have your blue suit and your pink tie all the time. That's all you wear.
Phoenix: I wear a T-shirt under my shirt and I change that every day.
Pearl: Yes, that's as you'd expect.
Phoenix: Well, I guess soon I'll have to get my summer wardrobe ready.
Maya: A polypropylene one?
Phoenix: It was really hot at the detention centre today, as well. I had to take my jacket off during the interview.
Maya: It's hot in this office, too. Why don't you take your jacket off now as well?
Phoenix: Ahhh — at last. I'm only just feeling back to normal.
Pearl: Oh! Mr Nick!
Phoenix: Huh, what is it, Pearls?
Pearl: You can see some words on the T-shirt under your shirt!
Phoenix: Oh darn it! I didn't have much time this morning, so I just put my clothes on anyhow.
Maya: I don't suppose you went to the detention centre dressed like that, Nick?
Phoenix: I did, though. What's written on it?
Maya: It says "KILL YOU" very clearly and vividly.
Um. Did you go to the meeting with the defendant like that?
No wonder he rejected your offer to defend him!
Phoenix: Ah! It's the Galaxy Devil Killer Panthers T-shirt.
Pearl: Oh, of course, Mr Nick! You were so lucky to win that!
It's an evil spirit, you know.