DIY Dollshouse Kit: Tranquil Life

Yeah, I did it again. Here is the one I chose this time:

tranquil life dollshouse

That's the default style. Originally I was planning on doing a complete repaint, as I did with Blue Times, but I do have a weakness for pink, but at the same time, I wanted to introduce a little more variation, and make it more "mine". So the red-and-black theme will have to be saved for the next one (and yes, there will be a next one).

mini dollshouse

So I toned down some of the pink (the bathroom cabinet for instance), added some lilac accents and changed the wallpaper.

Tranquil Life bathroom

My original plan was for the ground floor and bathroom to stay pink, and the bedroom to be lilac. However, I just wasn't able to find a suitable paper in lilac, so I used this lovely cherry blossom one instead. I spent a lot of time thinking about which paper to use, as none of the ones I had seemed right. In the end, I went for the cherry blossom one, and I actually quite like it. Even as I finished gluing the headboard fabric into place, I regretted it, but against the wallpaper, it actually looks okay to me, so I'm happy!

Tranquil Life bedroom

What I like is how closely the paint from the stairs matches the lilac fabric! And I didn't even have the fabric with me when I mixed up the paint, that was just a lucky lucky mix!

mini dollshouse

I used the lilac polycotton for the upholstery on the chairs, as I wasn't keen on the stripey fabric, plus I wanted to tone down the pinkness (she says, as she adds pink cushions). And yes, that is a BB-8 book on the shelf. The kids and I are a bit Star Wars mad, right now. But mostly for a particular brand of Star Wars 😉 (Although the littlest will watch anything with her favourite and best ?Luke? ?Skywalker? in it.)

I also got rid of that awful "We do real LOVE" nonsense. I would have kept that bit with the white brick otherwise, but I really can't stand cheesy nonsense like that, what does it even mean? "In this house we do real", whatever.

Tranquil Life living room

Did you notice something? I finally worked out how to make the cushions. The trick is: hobbycraft fabric glue is a load of pants. The UHU power glue works on fabric just fine, the only downside is it does seep through and leave darkened patches. The way I did the pillows this time was to seal down one edge with UHU, stuff, seal down the other edge, then fold each edge over one more time and glue again. That way it stayed sealed, plus the edges are neater. I did one by folding the edges internally (the white cushion on the sofa), which was more inline with the instruction book, but I don't like the way it looks. So there you go, on the third attempt, I worked out the secret to making cushions. You're welcome.

mini dollshouse

mini dollshouse

I had a few bits and pieces left over from the previous kits, so I got to add a bit of variety to the platters, by adding more fruit, plus the Swiss roll.

mini dollshouse

I added an extra plant on the TV stand and one more on the windowsill. I'm thinking I may make a few more, perhaps for the bedroom and bathroom, and maybe on the ledge next to the bathroom.

mini dollshouse

mini dollshouse

Next project will be this one:

Happy Time Dollshouse Kit

Prime candidate for a red-and-black theme!

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