After the success of the faerie bedroom, I wanted to extend that and make a full building. This is going to go to B as soon as I can trust him not to destroy it (it may be a matter of years). I'm not sure what scale this is, but it's definitely smaller than 1:24. The only thing is, I have no idea why I went with a bookshop, given how darn tedious making miniature books is. No really, it's tedious.
For the structure and furniture, I used that card thingie that I still don't know the actual name of [edit: it's called greyboard or mountboard]. I used acrylic paint to paint it, scrapbook design paper for the walls and floors, cardstock for the window and door frames, and clear cellophane for the glass. For the decorations, I used beads, tissue paper, scrap fabric and leftover bits from my dollshouse kits.

So here are some pics:
Coming together:

At this stage, I gave up on the books. Yeah the shelves are sparse for a bookshop, huh?

You see, they have a sale! 3 books for £12, so they're just flying off the shelves so fast. They even removed some shelves..?

I made a living quarters upstairs. I originally planned on making a full flat, with a bathroom and kitchen too, but space. I've been meaning to make them, but you know me. I'm lucky this even got as far as it did.
I was going to have an opening panel for the front walls, but when it came to it, I thought having the opening panels on the ceiling would be better. To make the ceiling stable, I stuck little bits of card underneath the corners, with some overhang:

Here comes the first floor! I haven't quite finished this. I'm planning on applying either tile paper or actual mosaic tiles to the terrace, plus a "glass" barrier and stairs leading to street level at the back. I may one day make a second floor with the bathroom and bedroom, and even another roof terrace at the top. It all depends on when I get back to work and can start acquiring the card again from the deliveries.

I want to say, it was actually B who chose all the colour schemes for this. And I must admit, I've fallen in love with the orange/violet/lime combination! It's really cute! I might use it on a dollshouse kit one day.

I made the pencils using the tips of cocktail sticks, with a bit of black marker at the top for the lead. The ruler is just lilac paper with markings. The lamp was quite fiddly: I used cocktail sticks again, plus lime paper. I think it came out really cute! The curtain was a leftover from Blue Times, attached onto another cocktail stick with the points cut off, and the mirror paper was from my first dollshouse. It does stick with UHU glue!

I used a mix of blue and green LIT for the sign, and it looks really cool in the dark. Unfortunately I don't seem to have taken any photos of it in the dark, but here it is in daylight charged with the UV torch:

This was a really fun project to work on, and didn't take too long, about 10 hours total I'd say (not including the books, they deserve a time slot of their very own). I recommend having a go! Just don't do a bookshop.