I'll just say now, I don't consider Disney's crappy attempt at fanfiction to be canon at all. Besides anything else, to write fanfiction, you have to be, well, a fan, right? This is more like spitefiction.
Anyway, I came across this on YouTube, and was really impressed! There is one point in particular in the analysis that I disagree with: I don't think Han's character was handled well at all. It seems they've just completely undone all his development over the OT, and turned him into a deadbeat dad and useless husband. Nope, that's not Han.
Disney: crapping on the Star Wars legacy one OT character at a time.
Regards to the rewrite, I'm basically accepting this as canon. A couple of things, though. I think Luke's coldness to Rey should have been more subtle. Have it so that Luke's making an effort to be encouraging, but that both Rey and the audience can see it's not genuine. Luke just being outright cold to her whole life would basically make Luke a bully, even emotionally abusive. Luke wouldn't behave like that. He'd at least try, if for nothing else than to stop her developing negative feelings that would lead her to the dark side.
Also, the Yuuzhan Vong have apparently been around for like over 50 years, but only attack now. There doesn't seem to be an explanation for why they hung around so long before attacking, especially as they could have attacked right after Return of the Jedi, when the Empire was on its last legs and the New Republic hadn't had time to get started and build up a navy.
I would also have liked Mara Jade and Ben Skywalker to have been in this, even if they were killed off before the story started. We need more Mara Jade!
Anyway, enough complaining. Despite these bugbears, I loved this rewrite, it's my headcanon for the sequel. I'd love the creator to pair up with a writer and make a full 3 part novelisation!
PS. No I haven't watched the Disney trilogy, I have no intention of doing so. I don't need to taste a dog turd to know I won't like it. I already dealt with crappy sequels and beloved original franchise characters being ruined when I played Apollo Justice, and it was even worse than I'd thought. I had to headcanon Phoenix into someone called Bob (not Bob Loblaw, sadly) and I'm not paying Disney money to do the same for Luke Skywalker Jake Greenmilker. I get way too overinvested in fictional characters; I know my limits!
Here are some more links for why DT Bad and DNW:
- The Rise of Skywalker is TRASH of the highest order
- An Analysis of the Hidden Misogyny and Racism in Disney Star Wars | Video Essay
- Even Mark Hamill hates the Disney Trilogy
Okay the prequels seem kinda crap, and mess with my AU headcanon, but it also sounds like 6 hours of non-stop memes, so I'm feeling kinda tempted!
Edit: I did it (dew it!). I bought the prequels. I've watched Episode I, and I liked it. Not a patch on the OT, but it was still good. Even Jar Jar wasn't as annoying as I expected. But then I live with 3 little kids who watch PJ Masks and Masha. I have a high tolerance for OTT annoying kids show characters. Actually, not true. I hate Masha with a passion. Jar Jar > Masha for sure.