I've been looking at these for a while. Since I don't really have anything else to spend all my savings on, I decided I may as well treat myself and indulge my fangirlism. I bought the Luke Dagobah figure (it seems there is... another version of this also that has Yoda and the backpack, but it was unavailable when I was shopping). Its face sculpt seemed the best out of the ESB Lukes, otherwise I would have got the Bespin Luke. Impressed by the quality, I decided to buy the other two Skywalkers. Leia is TINY next to Vader.
Anyway. I have lots of photos. Lots and lots of photos. Enjoy!

Luke looks kinda snarky in this one 😀

The difference in quality between the Luke and Leia figures is very pronounced. Luke's hair has so much detail and shading, whereas Leia's hair is a solid brown. Luke's hands are also really detailed, you can see the bone shapes! The facial features are painted on really well, though. I do think Leia's figure has more resemblance to Carrie than Luke's does to Mark.
So here are a few poses with Luke. I was surprised at how well it balances in various poses.

I swear I didn't do any editing on the lightsaber in this photo! It does look quite glowy here. I guess I got lucky with the lighting!

I don't know what's going on here. Vader's like "WTH, dude?!" and Leia is...

Leia's figure comes with her sporting blaster from Episode IV, plus a stormtrooper blaster.

It's not pretty under the dress. The joints are pretty ugly, but I guess there isn't any need to expose its legs, so they didn't bother to make it aesthetically pleasing.
And now for Papa Skywalker.

"Good. My Youngling Slayer 3000 has returned! Now, I must train my son."

"No, I am your father!"
"Uh, yeah, that's why I call you 'Dad'."

"I have you now!"
"Wait, what?! I'll try spinning -- that's a good trick!"

"Waaaah! Lukie!"
"Too impatient, you are. Learn to trust the Force, you must!"
"Wrong Jedi Master, Dad."


♥ Father of the Year ♥