Oh yeah, who's the boss now? Yeah, that's what I thought.
Darth Jar Jar has resumed his place as the No. 1 Sith Lord! All hail are-sa bombad boss!
This was like a level 2 or something, and I'm struggling to finish level 3. That Toss the Feathers one was hard, but I eventually did it. I'm stuck on the last exercise. Umm, anyway, Yousician is actually good you know. I feel like I am actually making progress.
Update: no, it gets better!
This one is super funky! I think this was the level 3 or 4 version? Not sure.
I can now play the full bass lines for: REM's Imitation of Life, Goo Goo Dolls' Here is Gone, plus Name and Iris, The Script's Man who Can't be Moved (I bet they were never even dating, he's just some creeper who insta-loved her, because if they were dating, he'd have her number, or at least know her name to look her up on social media. He says it's the place where he first "saw" her, not met her! Creeper!), and Aerosmith's I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing. And many many more!! BUY NOW !!11
Anyway, what I'm saying is there is a big improvement in my skill. I feel I'm up to learning Bushes of Love in full now. Also I'm getting better at reading tabs, and actually prefer tabs to my old E3 A3 A2 A3 etc notation I used to use. Plus!! I have finally learned where my notes are, and I tried to record a video on how I did it so easily, but I forgot to switch the mic back on, and so I had to redo the whole thing, but my amp is a mini not-really-for-bass amp, so the sound quality sucks and I'm not even sure it'll be worth uploading. But I'll at the very least do a post.
Oh and today, I worked out some of the bass riff for California Dreams' She's Not You!
(Still haven't worked out the rest of Must be Love. Why is it so hard?! It sounds so simple!)