Let's see how good my memory was. I managed to find some pictures of the packaging for Superstar Sindy. There are two sizes, and I seem to remember having the larger one. I downloaded these several months ago, and unfortunately I can't find the original images, nor does TinEye show any matches. So my apologies to the original photographers. If I do find out where I got them, I will credit you appropriately.
Here's my original memory:
My mum also threw away the original packaging for my Superstar Sindy. I used to keep it under my pillow and look at it every night before I went to sleep. There were photos of the other dolls in the range, and they had such cool 80s fashion. I think one had glass-style boots. I totally wanted that one.
So, let the healing begin!

What? Not a glass boot in sight! I remember those boots so clearly! Perhaps it was a Jem doll I was remembering then? I got some of it right anyway! Check out the Fizzy Pink outfit: that is some cool 80s fashion! It wasn't other dolls, but other outfits. I did remember it as bandmates, so maybe I was confusing it with Jem after all.
Here's the smaller box.

You can see just how badly-treated well-loved my doll was, comparing it to this picture.
I've looked up the packaging for the Jem doll we had, and I can't see any glass boots on there either. So how I got such a clear memory of them, I don't know. Maybe it was a dream, like all those years I was convinced I'd been in a hot air balloon with my dad and older sisters, only to be told that it had never happened.