Page 44 — Turnabout Goodbyes 1

Page 44 — Turnabout Goodbyes 1

Episode 19.1 — March 2006 Issue

hamidashi Letters Corner

• I enjoy every issue. When I read this month's issue, and Edgeworth brought along the anything "bowl", I understood it and thought it was funny! And the way Suekane-san drew the Blue Badger was cute ♥ (Tenko, Fukuoka Prefecture)

• I'm waiting in excited anticipation for the Dorimaga phonecard drawn by Akiman-san! Please keep doing more and more of these types of projects in the future (Kyontai, Miyagi Prefecture)

Turnabout Goodbyes 1 — At the Yesterday Café

Having being summoned by a young Mia Fey, defence lawyer Diego Armando has come to meet her at the stylish "Yesterday Café". With her court debut just around the corner, what advice will a subdued Mia receive from from her senpai — ?!

Diego Whats up, Kitten? You called me here rather suddenly.

Mia: Oh. Diego-senpai...

Diego: It's because your "big battle" is finally here, huh?

Mia It seems like it will be a long, drawn-out battle. I'm only just getting started.

Diego: "Defence of a murder suspect on death row who escaped prison." Only you would take on such a reckless challenge.

Mia: I'm sorry... In any case, please stay with me a while.

Diego: It's my pleasure. I'll stay with you as long as you need... One mocha, please.

Waiter: Yes, right away, sir.

Mia: I've been so worried about today, that I haven't been able to eat a thing since yesterday. I feel like I'm about to die.

Diego: And today you're only going to be drinking coffee? You gonna be okay?

Mia: I'm already on my third cup.

Diego: That's nothing. When I'm in court, I always have 17 cups of coffee.

Mia: This huge stack of documents... I don't even know where to start with this... I can't even make a dent in it!

Diego: "The incident happened on a suspension bridge", huh?

Mia: If I lose this case, my client will get a guilty verdict. Even if I work on it my whole life, I could never make up for it!

Diego: Oh dear. Your face has already gone ashen.

Mia: To be honest... right now I already feel sick.

Diego: But if you win, your photo will be all over the newspapers tomorrow.

Mia: Waiter! Another mocha, please!

Waiter: Are you okay? Perhaps you should pace yourself...

Diego: Lying in wait for you in the coffee is the swirling darkness, wrapped around you... once it enters your mouth, there is nothing to do but swallow it.

Mia: Why on earth did I even get involved in such a thing... I want to run away.

Diego You're not the kind of person to throw away the duty that's hanging right before your eyes, are you?

Mia: I imagine at a time like this, what would Maya do?

Diego: Your little sister, huh?

Mia: She's the type to always see things through to the end... She'd laugh at me if she could see me now.

Diego: She'd be that calm in a situation like this? Are you serious?

Mia: Look at this photo. See, from my passcase, she's always watching me.

Diego: Somehow, that's actually quite moving.

Mia: Uhhhh... I don't think I can do this after all.

Diego: Over the jazz you can hear a sobbing voice, huh? It's all so fleeting.

Mia Hey! I'm not crying yet!

Diego: Hey. Wipe away those tears. I'm gonna tell you something good.

Mia: W-What is it?

Diego: A lawyer is someone who smiles, no matter how painful it gets.

Mia: Hey... senpai. Can't you help me with this case?

Diego: Well, I'm no Superman. I'm just the kind of guy who strikes his blows with all his might.

Mia: But...

Diego: Besides that, how about you? Why don't you think about something pleasant instead?

Mia: Okay. I found this shop that sells delicious cakes. You'll come with me to it on the way back?

Diego: Oh, of course. That's okay.

Mia: Ha ha! Well, if you don't mind.

Diego: Well, it looks like time's up.

Mia: Senpai... please. Take care of me.

Diego: This is the start of "the battle". It's a good feeling, isn't it?

Mia Okay. Then let's go!

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