Translator's notes: So we're finally on the last page. To anyone who's been following this since I posted my first translation effort 9 years ago: my apologies, and thanks for your patience. Anyway, here it is. I actually felt sad translating this. The end made me feel nostalgic for the old Ace Attorney world.
Illusory Episode 20 — Special Compilation
Final Farewells — At the Airport
Phoenix and the gang have come to the airport to see off Edgeworth, who's about to set off on his travels. It seems it's also time to say farewell to "Naruhodo Gyakuten Saiban!". This is specially written for this compilation edition.
Pearl: Mr Nick, he's here! Hurry, hurry!
Maya: Do your best, Prosecutor Edgeworth!
Edgeworth: I'm truly grateful to you all for coming all the way here to see me off.
Pearl: When will you be coming back from this trip?
Edgeworth: Right now, I can't say for sure, but... probably in around three years.
Phoenix: That's a long time. Will your studies really take as long as that?
Edgeworth: I'm afraid so. I intend to observe the world's legal systems.
Maya: Until we meet again, by way of a memento, please give us your neck ruffles!
Pearl: Eep! I want one, too!
Maya: And of course, Nick needs a share, too. There are exactly three layers.
Edgeworth: Certainly not! Without this, no one will recognise me!
Maya: Oh, please! In its place, you can have the second shirt button.
Edgeworth: Second button?
Maya: Here. Pearly can have the first button, Nick can have the third button.
Edgeworth: Not at all! Shirts don't go well with my ruffles.
Maya: Oh it's fine. Your ruffles do really suit you.
Edgeworth: Even so, I don't define myself by my ruffles.
Maya: Oh, I just took it for granted that you put all your heart and soul into your ruffles.
Pearl: Oh Mr Nick! When you go on a trip, please give us a souvenir, too!
Phoenix: B-But I don't have any plans to travel.
Maya: We'll be patient. How about this manky badge on your lapel?
Edgeworth: It'll turn into a fight. Because there's only one manky badge.
Phoenix: Nope, without this, no one will recognise me.
Maya: ! . . . Stingy.
Pearl: I still can't see any sign of Mr Scruffy Detective.
Phoenix: Let's look for a better place to look out for him. Come, we'll all go together. [I don't know about this line]
Maya: So, Mr Gumshoe is finally getting to go on his trip abroad. I'm jealous.
Edgeworth: I just happened to hear yesterday by chance that his salary is going down again.
Phoenix: You say "by chance", but whose fault was it?
Edgeworth: "It's my life's dream to go on this leisurely overseas trip", he said, with tears in his eyes.
Phoenix: You're a big-hearted person, though. You're even covering all his travel costs..?
Edgeworth: D-Don't say such strange things. Since it's a business trip, I was able to pull a few strings and put it all on expenses.
Maya: Wow, you can do anything, Mr Prosecutor!
Phoenix: He's late, though. How about you give him a ring?
Maya: He's probably still at home having his lunch.
Edgeworth: Preposterous! We need to board in 10 minutes.
Phoenix: But your companion is that Detective Gumshoe, after all.
Edgeworth: Well, I suppose there's nothing else for it. I'll give him a ring.
Gumshoe: This is terrible, pal! I'm done for!
Edgeworth: D-Detective! Why are you still at home?!
Gumshoe: Where is the ticket? My plane ticket!
Maya: There's that crack appearing on Prosecutor Edgeworth's brow again.
Edgeworth: What the hell are you doing?!
Gumshoe: I've already been searching for two hours, pal! Ughhhhhhhhhh!
Edgeworth: What?!
Gumshoe: Ha! What? It was under the phone receiver all along!
Edgeworth: How did you manage to lose it there?!
Maya: Whoa. There's a crack emerging on Prosecutor Edgeworth's phone now as well...
Gumshoe: It's fine, pal! I'll be there straight away! Once I've eaten my lunch!
Edgeworth: ! You better start praying that your next salary assessment never comes.
Maya: That's too bad. For you, too, Prosecutor Edgeworth. [or: that's harsh, even for you]
Edgeworth: Well, it would seem he won't be able to come, after all.
Phoenix: How do I put it... he has a huge voice. I think everyone heard him.
Edgeworth: Hmph.
Larry: Yo! *cough cough* *cough cough cough*
Maya: Whoa. That voice... it's Larry.
Phoenix: You're a real faithful friend aren't you? You have a cold. You should be staying in bed.
Larry: What's the deal? You were just planning on up and leaving without even telling me, Edgey?
Edgeworth: Are you okay? Your face has gone rather blue.
Larry: Ohhh... I ended up passing this nasty cold on to my Nobimubayaai-chan.
Maya: Nobi-what? What's she called?
Phoenix: You seem to have been going in a different direction these days, haven't you?
Larry: Such cold-hearted words. As it happens, I brought a present.
Maya: Wha! Such loyalty, Larry!
Edgeworth: However, to all appearances, it would seem you've come empty-handed.
Larry: No. My present to you is a classical Japanese "poem".
Edgeworth: Oh, well that's very generous of you, but I'm not really into listening to your manly poetry.
Phoenix: Well, never mind. He's really eager to recite it, with all his heart and soul.
Larry: Right! So listen carefully. Ahem.
Saa ikou [So let's go]
Yoake wa chikai [Dawn is close]
Namida wo fuite [Wipe your tears]
Rappa wo fuite [Blow your trumpet]
Phoenix: What the heck was that? And why is it all written in hiragana?
Larry: What? Oh well, there's a little trick in that "poem". Like a magic trick.
Pearl: Magic trick?
Larry: Visualise this poem in your mind. Read the words vertically.
Maya: Well, if you say so. Sa yo na ra [goodbye]. Oh! I see!
Edgeworth: What absurd passion! W-Well, you have my thanks for now.
Maya: Oh! Look! Prosecutor Edgeworth's eyes are welling up!
Phoenix: It's not really my cup of tea, this type of "deeply moving" present.
Maya: Oh, speaking of which, Takushuu didn't come after all.
Pearl: I was thinking it will be a long time before we can see him again.
Phoenix: Since we're at the end, I'd expect him to say a goodbye.
Larry: Get lost! As a matter of fact, it seems he's made a very firm goodbye.
Phoenix: Meaning?
Larry: Dude! You don't get it. "The hint is poetry", like that.
Phoenix: Ohhhh. Takushuu also likes "magic tricks", it would seem.
Maya: Oh, so it's probably better if we read it carefully again in our heads.
Phoenix: Anyway, it's nearly time. You can hear the announcer.
Edgeworth: Well then, it's time for me to go.
Phoenix: It's goodbye for now. Be well, Edgeworth.
Larry: Yo! Pull yourselves together, you guys.
Edgeworth: Well. Even though this story is coming to an end, life continues.
Phoenix: That's right.
Maya: That's a perfect summing up as usual. Well then, have a safe journey!
Just like Larry's poem, every letter at the start of each line goes together to make a message from Shuu Takumi, which references back to his first Takushuu column. That's why there are no sprites in this chapter. When I realised it, I was like this:
Anyway, here it is:
Thanks for hanging out with us for all this time!
I had great fun working on this each month, but how was it for you?
Now the end of this fondly-remembered world is here, I can't really seem to find the right words to say goodbye. The end.
And with that, the Dorimaga specials are at an end. If you enjoyed this, you might enjoy the Ace Attorney fancases a group of us made. You can check it out here.