I Wish Companies Would Stop Pretending Clothing Made From Recycled Plastic Is Eco-Friendly

Do you know what one of the biggest causes of micro-plastic in the ocean is? It’s shedding from synthetic fibres. I’m so fed up of seeing brands promoting their “recycled from plastic bottles! Saving the ocean one bottle at a time!” policy as something good.

All you’re doing is replacing large bits of plastic with tiny bits that will be ingested and inhaled by all sea creatures.

Cotton itself has its own problems, including dangers to workers from all the harmful chemicals used in its cultivation. Even organic cotton uses a great deal of water.

Flax seems like a good choice, but linen is a lot pricier than cotton.

I really feel like hemp is the future. It needs neither pesticides, herbicides nor fertiliser, it requires little water, it grows quickly and all of the plant can be used: for food, building and clothing. When will society at large cotton on to hemp fibre?

Anyway, the next best thing you can do is stop buying new clothes as much as possible. Check your local charity shops first if you really need something, or join a local freecycle-type group. All new washing machines should be mandated by law to have micro-fibre filters. You can use things like the GuppyFriend to reduce shedding. I’m not sure why it’s so expensive though (almost €30), as it’s just a PET bag. There’s also the Cora Ball, and I’ve been meaning to buy one for years, but again, these things are so expensive (almost $40 each!). Just fit all new washing machines with in-built filters!

An MP did actually bring this up recently at PMQs, but didn’t introduce it properly and got laughed at. He really should have started with, “The problem of micro-plastics in the ocean can’t keep being ignored…” and then led on from that. Some have said it was a diversionary tactic, but even though he is a Tory, and I live by the mantra of “Never trust a Tory”, he should have been listened to on this one. Pollution affects us all!

We are never going to solve this problem until we all work together to do something about it.

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