Sweetpeas and Wagtails

Why can’t I ever get sweetpeas to germinate? I think I only ever germinated one, several years ago. This time I tried the baggie method, where you wrap the soaked seeds in a damp sheet of kitchen roll, and place it in a baggie, but four days later and nothing is happening.

sweetpeas won't germinate

I think one is actually getting mouldy. I am never buying sweetpeas again.

We had a really sunny spell a few days ago, so I sowed some pepper seeds — I’m not bothering with eggplants anymore — and I was hoping the warmth (I turned off the heating during the day. It was 26 degrees) would get things going, but of course, I fell for false spring again, because it’s back to overcast.

We have a repeat visitor in our garden from last winter.

grey wagtail

This is a grey wagtail, and they are non-stop bobbing their tails up and down. It’s so cute!

grey wagtail

It’s always strange when we get uncommon visitors like this. At the moment, we only get tubbies and we have a pair of robins, plus the usual woodpigeons and ferals. I haven’t seen any blackbirds, dizzies or wrens at all this year.

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