Page 71 — Ask About Anything at the Fey & Co. Law Offices
This is nice, isn't it?
What's going on, Kitten? I don't know why you keep bringing me here day after day.
Why can't you be a bit more serious when commenting on the postcards?
Okay, you win. I'll be serious from now on.
Well, thanks for joining us again this month.
by J/K, unknown prefecture
Godot: Don't you think I'd look good in those shades you're wearing?
Mia: That's Maya and Franziska-chan!
by ICECANDY, Nigata Prefecture
"Takumi-san, Suekane-san, hello! 🌠 I love love LOVE Ace Attorney! I ADORE it! It's because of Ace Attorney that" [something or other, it's too small for me to read]
Godot: Men's instincts are complicated and mysterious... I don't hate it.
Mia: It's like your song.
Page 78 — Ask About Anything at the Fey & Co. Law Offices
Speaking of which, it's almost Christmas!
Christmas day. I shall drink up to my 16th cup of coffee... It's my rule.
Huh? And the one left over?
Heh. I'm handing it over to the star of the birthday party.
... Ever the big-shot.
by Akindo Naitou, Chiba Prefecture
"It's okay for men to cry... when all the work is over. That's all."
Godot: The main point is that you can't cry that easily.
Mia: That goes without saying! Please don't speak!
Page 87 — Ask About Anything at the Fey & Co. Law Offices
We're entering the hot season again.
I expect it's iced coffee for you in summer?
So do you drink tomato juice to refresh yourself on a hot day then?
Huh? No.
I see.
Yes. With that, please join us again this month.
by JLO, Hokkaidou
[Red text on right says "Gyakuten Saiban", black text says "niyari" [sneering face], red text on left says Urami-chan [Violetta]]
Godot: It's Niyari-chan, huh? She's a bad 'un.
Mia: Looks like that red text is useless.