My Final Spin on DallE 2

I used up all of my DallE credits (for good maybe), and here are some of the more notable results. I might try some of these on DallE Mini and see what I get. Anyway, I'll start with my favourites.

The Best of the Bunch

This is one of my favourites. Tiny and I came up with this idea together.

This one came out really nice as well.


This is hands-down my favourite for sheer amusement value! However, it interpreted "rainbow clouds" as "rainbow and clouds".

I liked this one.

This was Tiny's idea. We were expecting the strawberry to be sitting on a giant daisy, but it seems we weren't specific enough.

This was nice and Tatooine-ish. You can't really go wrong with teddy bears.

dalle2 the ability to speak does not make you intelligent
I SPAKE! This was actually a really well done interpretation.

Another nice interpretation.

This was a nice one, too.

Okay, but Somewhat Lacking

It has a tendency to interpret the prompts wrong. The girl should have been ON the moon, instead she's in front of it.

Again, they've shown a pencil, not a crayon, and only one of them is looking at its own reflection.

I don't think it knows what Ancient Phoenicia is.

The art is okay, but feels somewhat blah. The birds are cute though.

This wasn't what I was expecting.

The first one is nice, the others are funny, I guess. I think I was hoping for something like Kuribotchi.

I think the DallE Mini did a better job with this one.

The Jar Jars

Jar Jar baking.

This is inspired by the BLR episode of A New Hope.

All hail our glorious leader!

I don't even know what it was doing here. Obviously, copyrights are going to be an impediment, but this was still bizarre. The art itself is fine, though.

Inspired by Moriah's Squishies

I can't remember what he's called (Spot?), this guy.

Inspired by Shelly and Eustace.

Putting My Own Art Through

Chibi Sky. It's really cool how well it can identify the elements from my drawing.

Fly Away Home. Again, I like how it identified the elements and altered them.

Clarys and Eddie from my Evalor series. I can't tell if it messed it up, or if it switched their clothing deliberately. It does seem to have whitewashed Clarys though. Bad bot. But I do look like a good artist next to these!

Jayce from Dreamsong. I feel a little better about my drawing skill now. Having said that, my original picture took several days. This thing drew in a few seconds.

dalle2-my starling
Starling Moon from Mayane Tayke.

The Total Fails

I had several that were a let down, but here are the only two I saved.

I was really disappointed by this one.

This was the absolute worst. I don't even know what this is.

Farewell, My Bot

After I used up my credits, I logged in again, and was met with this. That's that, I suppose. I've emailed support, and I hope I can at least gain access to my gallery, because I never even saved the full images. [Edit: false alarm. I got back in a few days later]

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