I Made Miniature Food Out of Airdry Clay

I made some play food to go with our Tiny Teatime game.

Before painting:

clay foods unpainted

Here are the savoury foods. Fishcake, veggie burger, vegan pizza, chips and chip sandwich.

clay foods - savoury

A closer look. The burger underwent so many repaints. I don't have a detail brush, so I was constantly having to retouch it. The burger colour is off, but when I made it look like my soya burgers, the colour was too close to the bun.

clay foods - savoury closer look

Here are the desserts. Cinnamon roll, vanilla cake slice, chocolate bun/biscuit, croissant, chocolate mermaid cupcake, vanilla cupcake, lemon doughnut, ice cream and pancakes.

clay food - desserts

Closer view:

clay foods - desserts

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