Kid Icarus! Kid Icarus! KID ICARUS!!!!

[Yup, guys, this is the start of the Kid Icarus Rabid Fangirl era. Prepare yourselves.]

Kid Icarus is easily my favourite character from Captain N — as you can probably tell from my home page banner, although I never got very far in Kid Icarus on the NES. And — Janey Mack! — he is back back BACK!!! I knew it was my lil Kid from the moment I saw him on the cover! *sigh*


Welcome back, Kid! Mega Man woulda been cool in this, I wonder why they didn't include him, too? And Ryu!! YEEEEEEEEES!!! Ryuuuuuuuu!

If Chun Li was in Brawl, everyone else might as well pack up and go home, because I kick everyone's butt as Chun Li. I was easily the SSF2 champ at my sixth form.


Mind you, that's not saying much, as most of the kids in my class were rubbish and just button-bashers anyway. Oh man, jokes, during our computing lessons, we just used to play on the SNES instead of working. No wonder I failed module 4 (hardware yay!).

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