Category Archives: Art

Fly Away Home


There's a bit of a story behind this. I drew this picture a long time ago for a personalised mousemat for someone I considered a friend. It still kinda sucks, but I put several days into getting this as perfect as I could with my limited skill-set. I even had to copy and paste the background from my Micah and Zaid piece, because in spite of several attempts, whatever I drew sucked so bad. Drawing is hard for me!

Anyway, a year or two ago, I asked if this friend still had it. They said, casually as anything, that they gave it to their boss ages ago. Even though they knew how much time (and money) I put into it. So screw it, it obviously meant nothing to that person, so here it is for everyone to look at.

Lost and Found (Japanese Bilingual Retelling)

lost and found cover

The original outhor and illustrator is Oliver Jeffers. This is a simplified retelling by me, but I don't own this story, and the illustrations are simple remakes of the originals in my style (I do have more pictures, I just haven't painted them yet). This is a fanwork, and no copyright infringement is intended. Please support the original artist/illustrator. Thank you.

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What is This Book? — (Re)Create This Book Pt 2

Here are my new entries for Recreate This Book!

So to start, I finally decorated the left-hand side of Create a pocket:

create a pocket

I tried using my Signo pen to do the highlights, but for some reason, it didn't want to work, so I used a trick I learnt from SuperRaeDizzle, and used my Tip-ex pen instead. It worked really well!

The next page I worked on was one I had an idea for straight away. It's Create a page of stripes, and I knew I would do t-shirts. While making it, I decided to add other stripey clothes. And I'm sorry to say, I did trace the outlines, because I suck so much at drawing, but the designs are my own imagination:

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What is This Book? (Re)Create This Book Pt 1

I'm a big fan of Moriah Elizabeth's channel, and I really admire how creative she is. Like, how the heck does she come up with all those ideas? I have a lot of imagination, but very little creativity. I just find it such a struggle to come up with anything original and interesting. Anyway, watching her Create This Book series, I was tempted to buy a copy of one of them, but now that I've lost my job (thanks, Mophead McLiarface), I can't really justify spending £12 on something that I lack the creativity to even do a good job with. So, I went kinda cheeky and copied out some of the prompts I liked in an old notebook I bought years ago and never knew what to do with. I'm planning on using some free prompts from the interwebz as well.

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Trying Out Acrylic Pouring

Since I'd run out of craft projects and had 3 canvasses gathering dust, I decided now was the time to try this out!

paint pouring

You will need:

  • Acrylic paint, in 3-4 colours of your choice. Try to choose colours that will look good together. Sometimes you think colours go well together and then when you try it out, they don't. I learnt this from experience.
  • Water. Distilled is best, but I used tap water and it was fine
  • Small cups or bowls
  • A blank pre-primed canvas. It might be a good idea to start with a small canvas the first time
  • Glitter or gold leaf. Optional, but adds a nice touch.
  • Stirring sticks
  • Old newspaper, plastic sheeting or anything else to catch the mess. There probably will be a lot of mess
  • Cocktail stick or toothpick, to help create feathering patterns. Optional
  • Rubber gloves. Optional, but recommended
  • Something sturdy to hold up your canvas while drying. I used my paint bottles
  • A desk fan. Optional, but greatly speeds up drying time
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Primary Colours, Plus Trying out a Moriah Elizabeth Craft

What are the three primary colours for pigment? I was always taught red, blue and yellow at school, how about you? It's so wrong though. Totally wrong. Well, 2/3 wrong, to be accurate.

The three primary colours are in fact: yellow, magenta and cyan. Which I should have known as I'm the one who buys the printer ink. But you know, we have it hammered into our heads at school that it's red, blue and yellow, and we don't really question it, do we? But in fact, red and blue cannot be primary colours, for the simple reason that you can make them with magenta, cyan and yellow. Yep, and we proved it!

primary colours

The kids and I had a lot of fun learning about colours!

Here's a Moriah Elizabeth quick craft I really wanted to try out.

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Last Window – Promise Lyrics

This was inspired by the scene in Last Window, where Kyle's mother would look out the window while this song played. Kyle's losing of his father reminded me of Kiki's losing Callimachus, so I wrote some lyrics to match. I used this as an illustration in Dreamsong chapter 5, although the sentiment is more matched to a scene in chapter 4.

Artwork, character and lyrics © Silver Arrows 2013-2015. All rights reserved. If you wish to record the lyrics, that's fine, but NO COMMERCIAL USE and you must credit and link back. You may NOT use my artwork without permission. I'll probably say yes, but ask first. Thanks. Credit to generosa for the flower brush.
Music © Nintendo.

kikis promise
(Click image for full-view)

I've finally updated the image to match the lyrics. However, there just isn't enough space for the full version with the additional chorus. But the rest of it matches.

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Feralian Profile

Background: ~struckdumb/~pureplayas529 | Phoenix's hand refs: here and here

Appearance: Feralians are similar in height and build to humans. The obvious difference is their rich-brown wings. When in non-winged form, only the eye colour gives it away; their eyes being bright orange or, very rarely, silver. Their hair ranges from dark brown to almost black, and both sexes wear it long.

They favour simple, utilitarian clothing, having little time for adornment. It's a custom for everyone to wear an armband with their name.

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Ouen! Dai! Sei! Kou! 応援!大成功!

I did it! I did it! I clocked Hard level!

(2021 update: since then, I clocked Expert level too. AND I went to the (2012?) Comicon in Ouendan cosplay!)

Anyways, yet another fangirlism to add to the list. Here are Clarys and Zephy celebrating my success by way of awesome cosplay.

copyright silver arrows 2010

Nope, the outfits aren't wrong. It's a combined cosplay of Ouendan AND Ouran!