Category Archives: Kid Icarus

London Expo (Comicon) 2012 Pics

Because why not? 😀


Moomin stall. So cute!


I don't know why miniature food is so cute. I'm sure people get more excited over miniature food than the real thing.


Yeah! This dude was the only KI-related thing in the ENTIRE Expo. That's why I'm never going to one again, because they never cater for the smaller fandoms, only the mainstream, which fair enough, they wanna cater to the majority so they can shift their stock, but there might be at least one or two stalls that sell merch from the smaller fandoms, ie KID ICARUS AND ACE ATTORNEY. But no, not even one mention of them. Tokyo Toys is the same.

Anyway I blurred out his face cos I didn't tell him I was gonna post his pic on the intarwebz. He has a Link tattoo.

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New… Kid… Icarus… Game… *gasp*

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!! Mhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!! Ggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!! KDOSEIRMCVMSFIEWORASAFJASAS!!!!!!!!!!111111111111

*Rabid fangirl has temporarily lost the ability to speak coherently or indeed at all*

*Rabid fangirl realises she just bought a DSi XL and probably can't afford the 3DS even if she saved up all her wages till then, and therefore regains the ability to whine*

Oh. My. Gosh. That looks like frickin' Wii graphics; just how powerful can a handheld be?!?!

*Temporarily loses the ability to speak again*


It's the same Pit we know and love (and rabidly fangirl!). Squeet baby Pitto!! Awesome job, Project Sora! I give you A+. Tell those wusses at Fail Factor 5 who's boss!!

He still has awful voice, though 🙁 Don't you think he sounds too much like Sonic? Cool for Sonic, but not cool for a cute little boy 🙁

2021 update: I have the game, but I still don't have a 3DS.

Comments from old blog

Holy crap I was excited when this game was released... Until I heard that TERRIBLE voice! I swear, it still haunts me. He sounds like a MAN and he still looks like a KID. D:
— Tracey~ 20/12/10

Ike vs Link vs Pit


It's strange because I was just thinking about what would happen if Pit, Link and Ike brawled on the Skyworld level, who would be the winner. And I decided it would probably go to Sudden Death and then Pit would take out Link, and Ike would take out Pit. So it would be 1. Ike, 2. Pit, 3.Link.


Aight, so I put them all under CPU control at level 9 (how is it that CPUs play so badly at level 9 even yet they still kick my butt?) and you'll never guess, but it did actually in fact go to Sudden Death, at 0 all. Pit was playing absolutely hopelessly I must say, only he did get the Final Smash which is what saved him from utterly losing. But the strangest thing was, in sudden death, Pit did actually take Link out straight away, just like I imagined, and he nearly took out Ike but Ike did actually get him in the end.

It is absolutely strange the way it worked out completely exactly the way I imagined it would.


Pit’s Revenge Part Deux

(Part One is here)

Pit re-read the missive he'd received two days ago.

FAO Kid Icky
Our last battle was unreliable and unfair. The air in Skyworld is too thin and how do you expect me to fight when I am nearly fainting from lack of oxygen? I demand a rematch at a neutral location. I will meet you on Tuesday at Space Station 0 at exactly 10h00. If you don't turn up I will assume you forfeit and I shall be the victor.
- Ike
PS I fight for my friends


Pit crumpled up the letter and tossed it over his shoulder. 'Ha!'

Kid Liquorice tapped her feet impatiently. 'And once you've finished your battle, you will be good friends again, won't you, because I want to invite him to our house for tea. Oh look, he's coming!' She sighed. 'He's soooo handsome...'


'We didn't come here to admire the view!' Pit snapped.

'Didn't we? I did.'

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I Really Hate Fail Factor Infinity (aka Factor 5)

This guy is so freaking brilliant

Why they're not using his awesome Brawl design and making him look like a western emo Star Wars character is beyond me. FFS. Things don't need to be dark to look cool, any of those Pit designs are using the Brawl design but making him look needlessly emo/darker, or too much like an adult. The game is called KID Icarus for a reason, Pit is an adolescent!!

Creating Pit like this will not bode well for Japanese sales, neither does Factor 5. I know it never did so well in Japan anyway, but his Brawl look is amazingly popular now. By doing this they instantly take away any popularity potential.

Angst is the total polar opposite of good. He looks like f***ing Anakin Skywalker with wings!

I don't care if it's concept art, if they had any brains they'd use his popular Brawl look, no redesign needed, that was already done.

EDIT: Oh, and the story of Pit as a fallen angel is total bulls**t. I hope it's not real. It's the total opposite of the way Pit is usually imagined. Why does everything have to be all dark and angsty these days!?

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The Tale of Kid Icarus

From the Kid Icarus - Angel Land Story manual

Let us go back to the distant past to an age when the gods and Man lived together in harmony. There was once a kingdom called "Angel Land." This kingdom was ruled by two beautiful goddesses, Palutena who administered light and Medusa who ruled darkness. Palutena lived in the Palace in the Sky and administered light so that man could live in happiness. And bathed in this light man grew food and lived in peace.


However, Medusa the goddess of darkness was different. Medusa hated mankind. She took great pleasure in drying up the crops that man took great pains to grow and in turning people into stone statues.

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Pit’s Revenge — Part One

A short non-story. Just for the lulz 😀

Pit suffers Great Aether
Ike unleashes Great Aether on Pit.
'No! Stopicus!!!!!!!!'

down smash
Pit returns to Skyworld to lick his wounds.
'You'll pay for this, you rotten eggplanticus!!!!'
Kid Liquorice informs him that Ike is on his way to Skyworld to settle the matter, so Pit spends a bit of time practising his attacks.

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