Category Archives: Nostalgia

Rob Blanc! ROB BLANC! And Childhood Gaming Nostalgia

I downloaded the Rob Blanc games and some others by Yahtzee a year or two ago, but alas, modern technology and all that. And while I do still have a Windoze 98 box, it's a lot of trouble to get out, so these games have been gathering metaphorical dust on my D drive, until I was like, oh yeah! DOS Box! Duhhhhh.

rob blanc

rob blanc Continue reading

Blast from the Past β€” Tinkle Tots!


Tomy's Tinkle Tots, also called Pipi Baby, and Bikinis.

I have two islands and three shells. The shells we got from one of those discount shops in Wood Green, mid 90s. I believe I was already in secondary school, or near to it, at the time we got these. I remember fixating on them and dreaming about having the full set πŸ™ As in actually dreaming. I really wanted the Rainbow Shower Island, and a Lullaby Moon. I remember the adverts, even though I believe they stopped airing long before we got these. "In their lullaby moooooon!"

My sister has the boat island, with one of the brown haired boys.

The islands we found some months later in Woolworths, reduced to clear. They were the proper retail quality UK versions (no gender-bending!).

Enough talking! Time for pictures!

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What’s the Deal with the Dolls on

Well I contacted the folks at Pedigree, and it's a case of "You can look, but you can't have!" I'm afraid. It's a shame, because I think these are the best Sindys yet!

Thanks for your email.

I'm pleased to hear that you like the dolls featured on - unfortunately these are not available at retail and never have been.

They were produced as OOAK dolls to be used in our style guide updates that we give to our licensing partners.

We are working hard to find a partner in the UK that could sell the dolls so please keep checking back on the website for updates.

Kind regards

Denise Deane

Which would you most like to see? My personal faves are:

Wish there were ethnic minorities in this, though.

Blast from the Past! Sindy

It started with a painful childhood memory. You see, the first ever Sindy I got, as a present at the tender age of three, was the Superstar Sindy. Sindyyy, Superstar Sindy, you're everything I want to be! Superstar Sindy, dance with me! You're everything I want to be! Superstar SINDY! And she had this cool silver microphone. And for some reason, my mum let me take the doll with me to school, complete with all accessories. In hindsight, she may well have tried to convince me to leave them at home, but that's not important.

What's important is that I did take them. And one day, the nursery teacher β€” we shall call her Mrs A β€” didn't like that I was playing with the microphone while she was talking to the class about something or other, and she said to give the microphone to her and she'd look after it. I didn't want to, because I knew, even at the age of three, that grown-ups rarely keep their word. But she pressured me and in the end she took it from me and put it in a box and I never saw it again.

So you see, I was right to never trust a grown-up at their word.

In any case, it had a lasting effect on me. I still feel the pang of loss. Even when my little sister, three years later started nursery, I asked her to keep an eye out for it, being so upset I deluded myself into thinking it must still be there. More years later, when other girls I knew started nursery, I plaintively made the same request of them.

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MCoG Series Two!!!

Wait! For seriously! No! How the heck did I not know about this?!! Apparently my nephew has been watching this on Kix! for some time now and I had no idea! Although I vaguely remember hearing his singing the theme and asking where he learnt it. Hmm. Only a couple of days ago he just caught the end credits and that reminded me to go looking.

See, I knew they were planning a series 2 for real this time, because was it Chalopin or Ryshpan who said the second series work was underway on the DVD interviews, but I am so seriously late to the party. I just haven't been keeping up. Rabid Fangirl is losing her touch πŸ™

So as soon as I heard that the second series was out (I'm soooooo late to the party!) I had to go search on youtube. I must have read an old post that said it was only in French at the moment, so I didn't hunt down an English version. Luckily my French is good enough to understand most of what they are saying, even if there is a big lag between hearing the words and understanding the words.

So far, it's actually all right. I was scared they'd do an Adult Icarus and ruin everything (see NAEZ), but they've kept the style faithful to the original, and even kept the theme tune. I like that the voice casting (for the French version; a review says the English voice cast is pretty awful) is also faithful to the original. Zia seems less helpless in the new series and I'm not so keen on the way Esteban's facial expressions are animated; it seems to change his character somewhat*. But overall, I'm not disappointed.

So I've just ordered my DVD set and I'll do a full review when I've watched it!

* I remember who he reminds me of the way they've animated him. Ben 10 Series 1. Seriously!

My Favourite Captain N Scenes

My favourite and best scenes from Captain N - The Game Master

Episode 9 - Nightmare on Mother Brain's Street

This has some of the best scenes :mrgreen: I don't know, maybe you have to actually watch them for real to find them funny.

[Edit 2021: I'm going through my old posts, choosing what to carry over, and holy carp, this show was awesome and bonkers. I really need to watch it again.]

Mother Brain: Metroid mirror on the wall
Am I the cutest of them all?
Mirror: Princess Lana's the cutest chick,
You're so ugly you make me sick!

Mother Brain: What do you know, twerp! I will be the most beautiful woman in Videoland! And you, Eggplant Wizard, are going to help me do it!

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Better Than A Dream (The Dreamstone Theme)

I always dream myself to somewhere else each night.
I dream in colour, cos I live in black and white,
I know I dream much more than other people do
But I can't see how anything can be...

Better than a dream,
Stranger than my wild imagination.
There isn't a real sensation,
That's better than a dream.

Higher than the moon,
Hazy like a beautiful illusion.
Crazy and in confusion
And better than a dream.

Higher than the moon,
Hazy like a beautiful illusion.
Crazy and in confusion,
And better than a dream...

Song © Mike Batt

TV Show Quote Credits for Lana’s Story

Full list of credits of all the lines I've plagiarised from 80s cartoons for Lana's story. Big kudos to all the scriptwriters whose lines I've shamelessly stolen πŸ˜‰

  • Ch2, Page 2: "So, you're awake. I'm sorry if I frightened you, but they told me to keep an eye on you until you woke up. I'm Kevin. Here, take this."

    From The Mysterious Cities of Gold. Tao to Zia: "So, you're awake. I'm sorry if I frightened you, but I had to talk to you here, where we could be alone. Take this."
  • Ch2, Page 3: "Why, you're aboard The Revenant. We had to teleport you up when Loft's henchmen tried to get you."

    From Captain N - The Game Master. Princess Lana to Kevin: "Why you're in Videoland. The ultimate warp zone brought you here."
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They Don’t Make ’Em Like They Used To

They really don't know how to make good cartoons nowadays. So here are my top 3 kids' shows from bygone times...

1. The Mysterious Cities of Gold


This is undoubtedly the best cartoon ever made, and if you disagree with me, it means you never watched it πŸ˜‰

MCoG is set in 1532 and follows Esteban, a twelve year old orphan boy from the Americas. Continue reading