Category Archives: Plastic Vegan

Nearly Organic Homemade Body Butter

This dry winter air is really damaging my skin. Lately my hands have been so dried that the skin splits at the slightest thing. My hands are currently a mess of scars, scabs and cuts. I've had a bag of cocoa butter sitting neglected in a drawer for ages, so I thought it's about time I used it. Looking at recipes online, they all used beeswax, which is definitely NOT vegan (however much some may like to kid themselves). So I went without. There was a vegan recipe online somewhere, but I couldn't find it, so I winged it. Here's my recipe, which is way quicker than the ones I found:

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Vegan Omelette — Two for the price of one!

I do miss eating Indian-style omelettes. Eggs are the only thing I really miss from my pre-plastic-vegan days. Egg and chips, pancakes, scrambled egg toasties, all full of yum. Also years of malfunctioning kidneys from all that animal protein 🙁 But that's another story.

Well lately I've been thinking of the omelettes my mother makes. Continue reading

Soya, Oestrogen, Cows’ Milk and WAPF-Logic-Fail

The folks at WAPF are always good for a laugh. If you're interested in vegan nutrition, you're bound to have come across this claim at some point:

"The most serious problem with soy may be its use in infant formulas. “The amount of phytoestrogens that are in a day's worth of soy infant formula equals 5 birth control pills," says Mike Fitzpatrick, a New Zealand toxicologist. Fitzpatrick and other scientists believe that infant exposure to high amounts of phytoestrogens is associated with early puberty in girls and retarded physical maturation in boys.

What I find incredibly amusing about claims like this is that the people who love to throw out this "fact" are the same ones pushing milk.

Now let's just get one thing straight. Soya comes from a plant. Plants are not female mammals.

I'm gonna say that again.

Plants are NOT female mammals.

Therefore, they do not produce oestrogen. They don't. They just don't.

Now let's think of an animal that does produce oestrogen. Hmm, let me think. Oh yeah! Cows! Cows produce oestrogen!

Now here is an extract from a very interesting article I came across the other day (emphases are my own):

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Chickpea Frittata and Vegan Vegetable Pie

Mmmm yummy! Yes, my diet is expanding more and more since becoming a plastic vegan. I can't imagine having wanted to eat these before:


Chickpea Frittata. I added sweetcorn and kale to the original recipe, which is by Cucina Libera, and I may try adding flax to it next time, too. It makes a lovely breakfast, such a change from my usual tea and toast, which leaves my stomach growling by the time I get to work.


This is my veggie pie recipe, a variation on's recipe. I will post up my variation another time.


Close up.

That's all for now!

Thoughts on Phytic Acid and Soya

There seems to be an awful lot of hate towards wholegrains from the online community. I believe most of this comes from fans of the Weston A Price Foundation (aka WAPF), an influential group who advocate a diet high in animal products (more of this later).

I hadn't heard of this group at the time when I first started reading these articles about how soya and wholegrains are really bad for you, will give you osteoporosis and bad teeth and kill you in any other number of ways. I was intrigued at first, as these sites, such as Mercola and Wellness Mama, seemed to be in accordance with what I believed about diet, i.e. natural, minimally processed, home-made, organic is best. So I was curious about this info.

One study that seemed to crop up a lot was this one (I am quoting from

To prove this theory, the Drs. Mellanby did a study on children with existing cavities. The children were put into three groups:

  1. Group One: Regular diet plus oatmeal (which is high in phytic acid)
  2. Group Two: Regular diet plus vitamin D
  3. Group Three: Diet low in phytic acid plus vitamin D.

And then this graph:


Now the first thing I have a problem with is: Continue reading

Quinoa, Sweetcorn and Bean Burgers – Vegan Recipe

I'm utterly addicted to these burgers, which I have now named Quin-Bean Burgers. I think I have been a bit low on protein on account of only having 2 meals per day (including breakfast). So I came up with this recipe to boost my protein a bit, inspired by lunchboxbunch's bean burger recipe. As I said, sweetcorn makes everything better.


Recipe uses metric cups (1 cup = 250ml), but you can be flexible with ingredients and quantities.

You can use sprouted quinoa in place of cooked, but you'll get a crunchier texture. Don't like sweetcorn? Then just leave it out, or use your favourite vegetables, sauteed or boiled, instead. If you don't have flax, you can use more flour or breadcrumbs as a binder.

I like to make double the quantity, using one tin of white beans and one tin of a different kind of bean, then freeze for later.


  • 1 x 400g tin of your favourite beans
  • 2 tbsp of ground flaxseed
  • 1/4 cup of nutritional yeast (optional, gives more flavour)
  • 1 slice of wholemeal bread
  • 2 tbsp cider vinegar (optional)
  • 3 tbsp coldpressed rapeseed oil, or any veg oil
  • 1/8 cup plain wholemeal flour
  • seasonings of your choice (optional)
  • 1/4 cup cooked quinoa
  • 1/2 cup frozen sweetcorn

Breadcrumb coating (optional)

  • 2 slices of wholemeal bread (or equivalent in pre-prepared breadcrumbs)
  • ~ 1/4 cup vegan milk OR water
  • ~ 1/4 cup wholemeal flour
  • seasoning (e.g. pepper, thyme, chilli, parsley)
  • 1-2 tsp rapeseed oil
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Vegan Tempeh Bites

A simple recipe for people who, like I, have simple tastes and simple cooking skills. Thanks to Mummy and Little Sister for teaching me how to make a vegan breadcrumb coating (I didn't know!). Unfortunately, now I am breading everything.

Serves 1



  • 2 slices of bread of your choice OR pre-made breadcrumbs
  • 1/2 pack (approx 100g) of tempeh
  • 1/4 - 1/2 cup flour of your choice
  • ~1/4 cup vegan milk of your choice
  • seasonings of your choice
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More Vegan Cooking, Wildflowers, and Never Take Advice on Pronunciation from a North American


Since I got the egg-replacer, I've been able to make vegan chocolate chip cookies! Another recipe from Ms Cupcake. The best price I was able to find was in Holland and Barrett, surprisingly, at £3.10 for a box. Cheaper, actually, because it was during the BHP event.

Now these were tricky biscuits (pun intended. MOAR). They totally don't look cooked when they are, and so we ended up overbaking them. No seriously, even when they are cooked, your finger goes straight through them to the baking tray, they are so soft. But they do firm up when cooled, so bear that in mind if you do try this recipe. They came out a bit too crunchy because of the overbaking, but they tasted nice enough.

Nommy nommy nommy nommy jaffa caaaaaaaaaakes! Continue reading

Cheezly Review and Other Vegan Random Stuff

I'll tell you one food I miss from my pre-vegan days and that is pizza. So last week, for the first time since going vegan, I finally got round to making my own pizza base and got out the Cheezly White Cheddar style that I'd bought from Whole Foods Market some time ago.

Now imagine that you could make a cheese substitute out of potato... Continue reading

Bush Tea, Detectives and more Vegan WIN!


One thing since becoming vegan: I've become a lot more health-conscious than I was before (more health-conscious, not necessarily more pro-active). Ground flaxseed can be liberally sprinkled onto a chip sandwich and you won't even know it's there. I've also been drinking bush tea now and then. It's actually quite nice with one stevia tablet per mug. I've read a lot more about the benefits of rooibos (the proper name for the bush tea plant). It's supposed to make a really good toner, so I've been trying it on my face, but not sure if it's made much difference to my complexion (which, incidentally, is worse than Mma Makutsi's).

Speaking of Mma Makutsi, I've been reading the Mma Ramotswe series again, and I'm finding Mma Makutsi really irritating. Sort of like a Motswana Maya Fey. After everything Mma Ramotswe does for her, she is so damn selfish and ungrateful. Take take take take, and then dream that Mma Ramotswe is her subordinate. Go set up your own detective agency, Mma Makutsi, and see how far you get.

Another thing, I get the feeling the author is getting a bit jaded with the series, what do you think? I mean, seriously, what happened to Mr Polopetsi? Continue reading

Vegan Win: Tofu Yum Recipe!

Here is a super awesome fantastic 100% vegan parcel of yumminess!

Disclaimer: This is an ad-lib recipe. I am a terrible cook. I hate cooking. Regardless, these are so super yum that I am willing to make that sacrifice.

This is a recipe my sister first got from BBC Food

I've adapted it to my tastes and inadvertently made it vegan-friendly. Yummy yummy yummy.

You need:

  • 1 pack of Cauldron Firm Tofu or similar (~400g)
  • 1 pack of Jus-Rol Filo pastry - if using frozen, let it defrost at room temperature according to instructions
  • Sweetcorn
  • Salt, to taste
  • Fresh or dried thyme
  • Melted Vitalite, or a bland vegetable oil of your choice.
  • Two tea towels
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