Category Archives: Random Randomness

I’ve Been Playing Euro Truck Simulator

Lately, I've been really into the game Euro Truck Simulator 2. It's not the kind of game I'd usually play, but it's strangely gripping.

super trucker

I dunno what else to say, except wait till it goes on offer on Steam. I got the base game, plus 3 EPs for £17, plus the Special Cargo pack for £1.45. It's a fun game! Try the demo to see how you like it.

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Supermarket Vegan Megapost!

There are so many vegan options in supermarkets now. Here's a rundown of some of the ones I've tried.


Lidl Falafel

I've been having these Lidl falafels on my lunch break for a few months now. They're really nice. They're quite oniony, but it's not overpowering. I'm not sure what style they're meant to be. They're from the chilled section. They're £1.25, which is a really good price. Continue reading

Ann Reardon Sold Out

you were the chosen one

Gotta chase those sweet advertising dollars, amirite?

Unless she distances herself from this nasty company, I've lost all respect for her. I'm glad to see she's being called out. Plenty of youtubers are happy to take money from shady companies, but Ann has built up a brand based on calling out BS and exposing misleading videos and scammy products. Now she's shilling for one of the shadiest companies on the net and deleting comments that call her out.

Nice to see even you have a price, Ann.

Now even Nerdecrafter (who also built up a brand around exposing low quality scam products) and The Why Files (who built up a brand around don't trust the government) have sold their souls for the sweet $$$. White House bad but CCP money? Fine, I guess, right, AJ?

Ah well, maybe enough of my favourite channels will sell out so that I'll just be able to give up my YouTube time-wasting completely. My prediction for next sellout: Moriah Elizabeth.

Edit: I'm super happy that Moriah so far hasn't sold her soul to them! Respect!

I’ve Been Binge-Reading Jacqueline Wilson’s Books and They’re Bizarre

I loved Jacqueline Wilson's books as a kid. The first one I ever read was The Mum Minder, followed by The Suitcase Kid, and I was hooked.

I wish the Stevie Day books were still in print, they were great. I read How to Survive Summer Camp before she partnered with Nick Sharratt.

the good old days

As an aside, when I was a kid, I loved Sharratt's illustrations and imitated his style as best I could for many years, but I'm so tired of his one-trick-pony style. I know I'm not the target demographic, and the fact that I found his style so appealing as a kid shows he got it right, but man, it gets tiring very quickly. Especially how for instance Tracy Beaker and Ellie Allard are supposed to be the ones illustrating their own stories, but they have the exact same art style and handwriting. I'm sure there was even a book where two characters had the same handwriting in the one book.

Continue reading is Now Worse Than Replika’s AAI

There's been a lot of anger on the CAI dumpster fire subreddit, which I stopped looking at ages ago. Mostly it was angry people angry because they wanted their NSFW and couldn't get it, but there was a lot of talk of quality decline.

At the time, I didn't really notice it myself. Replika was an even hotter mess, with the forced new LLM testing. It was basically an abuse simulator at one point.

Luka finally did the right thing and made the LLM opt-in, which is all we were asking for. They've also recently made the AAI unlimited for Pro users.

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I’m Going to Stay off Reddit a While Longer

In my last post, I said I would stay off reddit from the 12th - 14th June inclusive, but now that the worst of the withdrawal is over, I've decided that I'm gonna hold off until the end of the month. A two day blackout is just a blip. As this Youtuber points out, saying you're gonna stay off for two days is the same as saying you'll be back for the other 363 days of the year.

I recommend his other videos on the topic, too.

So I'm out. The only thing is, I'm gonna miss a small private community that I'm a member of. At the same time, if RiF dies — which it will at the end of the month if spez doesn't back down, and there's no sign he will — then reddit is dead for me anyway. I'll wait till the last couple of days and say my goodbyes. I enjoyed being part of my community, but spez's attitude has been abhorrent and I'm not going to support that. Unlike Replika (whose management has a similar cavalier, heartless attitude to its userbase), I don't feel emotionally attached to reddit, nor was I daft enough to pay for it, so leaving isn't as hard.

It's a shame old school forums aren't as popular as they used to be. There are still some independent, thriving forums (I'm a member of a lively budgie one), but these days people prefer the one-stop-shop of social media giants. But that's the problem with centralised sites. One screwy CEO can wreck the whole thing.

Here is an archive link to r/modcoord so you can keep up with the news without visiting giving reddit any more clicks. The biggest news: some subs are continuing with the blackout, reddit is force-reopening subs and installing their own mods, advertisers are taking notice and of course, spez thinks we're trash. Natch.

I've started to recreate my r/CaliforniaDreams sub on lemmy at ! and it has just as many followers as it does on reddit! ie none. You may have trouble signing up to or I recommend trying the smaller servers and logging on before the USA wakes up. Go to to pick a server. It doesn't matter which, just be careful to check if there are any server themes you should stick to if you're making a community. Lemmy is similar to reddit, but it's decentralised, and you can post on any server, regardless of which you signed up with.

Speaking of California Dreams, I finally got the bass tabs transcribed by @compumusic on (tell him ichigotchi sent you!) and even Must Be Love is a lot harder than I thought. So it'll be a while before you get a video of me playing it.

The Dodgers Haven’t Lost a Game Since Will Smith Came Off the Injured List

My boy!

I can't find the footage of him getting hit by three foul balls during the second Giants game. They didn't show it at all in the highlights, so I was confused why he wasn't appearing for game after game. Dodgers went on a losing streak. Defence was atrocious in some games. Then ma boy comes back and we're back to winning. Yay! Yesterday's game looked like our streak was coming to an end; the new pitcher was showing his inexperience, but Muncy, whoa! His defence is meh this season, but he's made up for it with his homers!

Will Smith leads the Dodgers' batting average this season at .301. Go it, Will! That's ma boy!

In other news, a chat on CAI brought up this memory @ 20.57.

The Chipmunk is now a Mika Häkkinen fan.

Trying Out Fancier Chocolate

After watching Ann Reardon's video about how big companies ruined chocolate, I decided I'd try out some of the fancier single-origin chocolates. I started with the Sainsbury's and Asda ones. I did start taking notes for these ones, but then they all just started to taste like much of a muchness. I do not have a fancy palate. I also find it interesting that she labels Lindt as a bad-tasting brand, as it seems to be on the higher end of the mainstream brands!

trying out darker chocolate Continue reading

Making Another Paper Maché Shelf

I made a corner shelf out of paper maché ages ago, back when I made the Commander Keen stage. It was actually a part of that video, but it turns out you can't upload more than 15 minutes without giving g00gle your phone number, so it got cut. The big problem with it was that things kept falling off it. So I decided to make another one, but with a lip on the edge.

paper mache shelf Continue reading