Tag Archives: Japanese

Japanese Learning Resources

Here's a list of the resources I use/have used to study Japanese and my thoughts on them. Listed in the order that I first used them.

Japanese from Zero! Book 1 (George Trombley and Yukari Takenaka)


  • Takes you through hiragana gradually.
  • Doubles up as a workbook to reinforce learning.
  • Teaches in a way that you will remember.


  • I found the learning rate too slow. Not many sentence constructions were introduced and I eventually got bored of it.
  • Too much emphasis on polite form -we need to learn the plain form, too!
  • I would have preferred to learn how to construct verbs earlier on. Unfortunately, that comes towards the end of the book, and then they only teach you godan verbs (i.e. -u verbs) conjugated to polite present tense, so I was under the false impression that 見る (miru) would actually conjugate to 見ります (mirimasu), because they didn't explain -ru verbs at all (or indeed acknowledge there were two groups of verbs).
  • Goes into numbers almost straight away. You are just presented with a long list and told to memorise them. Hardly a good way to learn.
  • Not really a con, but... Continue reading

Hitomi Yaida — Over the Distance English Translation

As always, corrections are welcome. For more Japanese translations, please click here. マギー先生, おおきに!/Thank you, Maggie-sensei and Yukari-sama for help with the tricky bits! If there are any other mistakes, please leave a correction in the comments box below!

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際限なく続いて行く 紺碧な一つの波に乗って
想像は膨らんで行く 環境の変化を憎んでもはかない
I feel as if I'm forever upon a wave of the deepest blue
And as my imagination soars, the hated changes around me become fleeting.

Shiawase no Hako English Translation

Salyu — Iris — 幸せの箱

I know there are a few of these floating about the interwebz, but this is my translation practice. I'm still a beginner, so the translation is probably very literal and full of mistakes. I'm happy for anyone to tell me where and why I've gone wrong and so on. Enjoy!

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あなたの方が知っていた 私が大事にしてたもの

また会えることを信じて 約束もせずに手を振った
You knew better about the things I was cherishing.
Believing that we could meet again, we waved farewell without promise. [1]