A concerned mother recently posted on Coconut's shoutbox about her worries over her daughter's IM communication with Thoma$ at TSR. As these are chat boxes, start reading from the bottom message in each screenshot.
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A concerned mother recently posted on Coconut's shoutbox about her worries over her daughter's IM communication with Thoma$ at TSR. As these are chat boxes, start reading from the bottom message in each screenshot.
The depths Thoma$ will sink to... Buggybooz @ MTS2, who PS is one of my fave CC artists, recently had her stuff ripped off by Shakeshaft, one of T$R's Featured Arti$ts. Obviously, Buggy was very upset and kicked up a fuss.
Then Buggy's MTS2 account got hacked, and her stuff all pulled. Her policy was changed to 'do whatever you like with my content'. Coincidence? I think not. An IP check reveals a match with Thoma$$...
From MTS2's Delphy:
I think it's clear here one of the following things happened:
- Either Thomas himself removed Buggy's stuff, or
- Thomas gave the password to his account to somebody else at TSR and they removed itIn addition to the above, they must have gotten buggy's password from somewhere, which indicates one of two things:
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How cosy!
You remember Neptune "Why Not Make All FA Content Subscriber-only" Suzy?
Here is an interesting bit of gossip from Calalily at PMBD:
She was canned by TSR as an FA, and to save face begged Thomass to be allowed to stay on as FA for free. Thomass being the cheap b*****d he is, agreed (all for Silus, all for Silus). So Neptune Suzy's downloads are pay, but she doesn't get a single cent for them - serves her bloody right.
Who gets your goat more?
Constipation of the brain... and, er, diarrhoea of the mouth
(Apologies to Paden for nicking her line)
What super happy fun goodness in the TSR paysites 'debate' thread. This is the old thread where (in my sheepy days) T$R deleted my post because I C+P'd the EULA (or maybe it was the message from EA, I can't remember). Anyhoo, the thread's been resurrected of late, and is worth taking a look at.
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Winner: ChazDesigns
From PMBD...
T$R's very own Thoma$$.
Video description:
Thomas roxar till Alive i dah repa!Wha?
I couldn't last longer than 2 seconds before my ears started bleeding. How about you?
Visitor comment from old blog:
Booyaw said,
21 Jan 2009 at 02.14
*RUNNNNNNNNNNNNS* OMG I spit out my chai... wow... now let's just go line up everybody and subscribe to ensure he can butcher another classic hit... *cc artist money well spent*
I just came across this thread on PMBD and something has happened which I thought impossible: my opinion of Thoma$$ has got even lower. This is by Aikea Guinea, explaining why she left FA at TSR (and also solves the mystery of why she and Gelydh didn't get listed on the retired artists page, which I was wondering about before)
I wanted tell you 'my story' and explain why I left TSR. This is in by no means a cry for attention, I'm just tired of staying silent to 'protect' someone else. I'll skip a long and stupid intro and just jump right into the long and stupid story.
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A little game of spot the difference.
EA | T$R |
Expects you to hand over your money for buggy content and useless/ugly meshes | Expects you to hand over your money for buggy content and useless/ugly/broken meshes |
Puts profit above the opinions and feelings of its paying customers | Puts profit above the opinions and feelings of its paying customers |
Likes to screw up your PC | Likes to screw up your game |
Illegally installs malware on your computer | Illegally charges money for custom content |
Censors and/or bans anyone who complains about the aforementioned | Censors and/or bans anyone who complains about the aforementioned |
Well, at least if you're unhappy with the product you can sell it on second-hand | Errr.... |
... the torrents will stay up until T$R free-releases their work, but isn't it strange, they've both decided to call it a day at the same time...
Sorry about the blurry pics, this danged theme is so frickin' narrow. Now could they... could they really be one and the same person?! Or perhaps they're going to set up a free site together elsewhere... One can only hope...
Edit: It seems they are! From PMBD:
Fixed meshes from Aikea and Geyldh - hosting at their request while they get all of their content on their new site. Find these items under TSR/z-retiredartists/aikea/fixed_meshes_from_aikea and TSR/z-retiredartists/geyldh/fixed_meshes_from_geyldh.
Nice though, more departures from TSR — I bet Thoma$$ is weeping into his hanky. I've already removed two torrents, Juttaponath and Cloisonne, because they have both gone free! Gelydh and Aikea will make two more.
The real theft
No doubt Thoma$$ et al @ TSR consider me to be a thief because I put their pay stuff up on the torrents. They call this violation of copyright and the artists' TOS. But how about this?
I want you to take a look at these two pay items, one by Gelydh and one by Aikea Guinea, both Featured Artists at TSR at the time of writing. Both of these items are subscriber-only. Let's start with Gelydh. Here is a skirt she made. Have a look at the tooltip in BodyShop and you'll see it says © Gelydh at TSR.
Now look at these two Maxis items. Anything look familiar?
So what Gelydh's done is simply rip Maxis meshes, tweak them a little, then paste Maxis's textures onto that modified Maxis mesh. Nothing wrong with that, though, isn't that why Maxis gave us BodyShop? Of course. But then Gelydh then has the nerve to assert copyright over and charge money for something that is not even her intellectual property! So how dare she or anyone at TSR attack those of us who fileshare pay content?
Let's have a look at Aikea Guinea's work next. Here is one of her jeans.
Very nice. Now let's look at a pair of Maxis jeans. These came with Nightlife for adult males.
Wow! What a surprise! The jeans' textures are exactly the same! Yet if you ask Thoma$$ who owns the copyright, I wonder what answer he'll give..?
I'm sure you can find plenty more examples of pay artists stealing Maxis work, pasting on a big copyright sign and then charging you money for it. Now just ask yourself, who are the real thieves?