Cultural Notes: In Japan, Valentine's Day is celebrated differently from in the West. On this day, females give chocolate to males. A loved-one will get a special, often home-made, chocolate, a honmei-choko. Not-so-special males will get a giri-choko, an "obligation" chocolate, out of social courtesy or friendship. White Day is the day for males to return the favour to the girls.
Episode 7 — March 2005 Issue
Takumi Snippet
Takumi Shuu (??)
Ace Attorney's director and scriptwriter. It's rumoured his fuel is alcohol.
Status: ...Having recently been thoroughly rejected, my first job back at work was to write this manuscript, without doubt in a horrible mood.
Letters Corner
• I bought the magazine for this column, but I'm glad I bought it for both the articles and submissions, because they're both interesting. I want a special compilation book, too! (moco, Tokyo Metropolis)
~If the serialisation lasts for about 40 episodes, then maybe... Please see it happens, Takumi-san!
• I really enjoyed reading Takushuu-san's column every month. Thank you for all your hard work so far! (Taka, Tochigi Prefecture)
~ You'll have noticed that in place of the column, we now get a more in-depth look at the situation from Takumi-san.
• I was relieved to find out that this corner will continue. I expect Takumi-san will be busy with his "new works" from now on... But because of this window (?) [sic] to connect Takumi-san with his fans, I want it to go on forever (anon, Tokyo Metropolis)
~ Zvarri! for the new works! That's how you say it, right?
Valentine's Day — At the Wright & Co. Law Offices
It's the day that males all over the country hopefully wait for, that makes their hearts thump! Larry has obviously come to the Wright & co. Law Offices for some ulterior motive, but he has trouble getting Phoenix into the Valentine's spirit. But for Phoenix, does chocolate actually taste good?
Larry: Maya! I've finished cleaning the toilet!Maya: Really? Thanks, Larry!
Larry: So what should I do next? I'll do it! I'd do anything for your sake... especially today.
Maya: Well... I was just thinking, could you do a drastic remodelling of this room for me please?
Larry: Eh?
Could you take all the furniture outside for me, just once?
Larry: You really want to go all out... I don't think the layout is that bad, me.
Phoenix: Hey, what are you doing, Larry? Today of all days.
Larry: You idiot! Don't you know what day it is today?
Phoenix: Ahh, well. It's Valentine's Day, right?
Larry: Then! Are you making fun of my Valentine?
Phoenix: I-I-I don't even know who that person is.
Maya: Well, it seems there are some unpleasant memories there, Nick.
Phoenix: You see, I don't like it. I received a chocolate from Edgeworth, that day.
Ehhhhhhhhh?! N-N-Nick and P-P-Prosecutor Edgeworth — !!!
Hohhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! S-Sorry, Nick! I had no idea that's how it went!
Hey hey hey hey no! I didn't say that!!
Maya: Well, tell us then!
Phoenix: At primary school, there was this girl I liked. Rumi-chan, her name was.
Larry: For real?! You liked that girl?!
Phoenix: On Valentine's morning, when I got to school, there was a chocolate on my desk. From her.
Maya: Really? That's nice!
Phoenix: Yes, and really, I was pleased, but...
Maya: But..?
Phoenix: When I looked properly, it said "To Miles-kun" on it; on the pink wrapping paper.
Maya: So it said "Miles-kun", after all?
Phoenix: Our desks were next to each other, you see; mine and Miles Edgeworth's.
Larry: Ahh. This girl was very careless. I know it well.
Phoenix: Well, it was because of this one bit of "carelessness" that I ended up with a situation I never got over!
Maya: Ohhh. So then?
Phoenix: There was nothing for it but to give it to Edgeworth.
Larry: Dude, you worry too much about such little things. Man, I wouldn't be bothered about a such a little thing as that.
Phoenix: I don't know the meaning of "don't worry".
Maya: Then what? What did Mr Edgeworth do?
Phoenix: He gave the chocolate back to me, saying something like, "I believe you like Rumi-kun, right?"
Maya: Really? He's a little heartless, isn't he, Mr Edgeworth? He didn't seem to care about the girl's feelings at all...
Phoenix: Apparently, he seemed to deduce it was an obligation chocolate.
Maya: How did he figure that?
Phoenix: That morning, when he went to school, he saw two desks with chocolates wrapped in the same pink paper.
Maya: So Rumi-chan gave another boy the same chocolate?
Larry: Oh by the way, that would be my desk.
That morning, when I got to school, there was a parcel on my desk, wrapped in pink paper.
W-What?! Y-You received one, too? From her?!
Larry: Look, didn't I just tell you? I wouldn't be bothered about a such a little thing as that.
Maya: What are you trying to say?
Larry: When I looked properly, it said "To Phoenix-kun" on it. On the pink wrapping paper.
Phoenix: Wha?
Larry: Well, since it was on my desk, I assumed it was for me, right?
Maya: But — Larry, the name..?
Larry: I'm Larry, aren't I? Larry Butz.
Maya: I mean on the chocolate. It was Nick's...
Phoenix: But Rumi-chan just got the desks mixed up... right? Again.
Larry: So it goes. What did I just say? That was one very careless kid; that's what I said.
Phoenix: And it was because of this one bit of "carelessness" that I ended up with a situation I never got over!
Larry: Hey hey hey, wait, okay, Nick? What's with that look?!
Phoenix: Well, Rumi-chan wanted to give me the chocolate and —
Larry: Edgey already told you this, too. First of all, it was just an obligation chocolate.
Phoenix: Ahh.
Larry: So, did you eat it? The one from Rumi-chan that Edgey gave you?
Phoenix: Well... yeah.
So! Then the end result wasn't all that different. That part didn't change anyway.
I guess..?
Hmmm. It's a strangely incomprehensible story, isn't it?
Phoenix: And that's why I hate Valentine's Day.