I Painted an Old Tablet Case

For the last 18 months, I've been having trouble with watching videos on youtube on my tablet via browser (the app is a joke of an adfest). Most of them will flash red and blue on 360p or above, so I have to watch them at 240p. Anyway, my mum's old Kindle Fire doesn't have this problem, so since she hasn't used it in years, I helped myself to it for watching videos. Anyway, the case ended up looking worse for wear. It started flaking all over the place, so Tiny and I had an ASMR-fest (kinda not really) and peeled all the paint off, and then I gave it a coat of gesso.

tablet case gessoed

As usual, I had no ideas for what I could paint on it. Then scrolling through my tablet's gallery, I pulled up this screenshot that I took from a Chloe Rose video. I can't remember which one. But at the time, I had an idea of trying to copy it for practice.

chloe rose's original artwork

To be honest, it was a pretty daunting challenge. If you've seen my art, you'll know that backgrounds and landscapes are my weak point (and creativity, and anatomy, and...). But I thought, maybe I can actually do it. Of course I knew I couldn't match the original, but I wanted to see how close I could get. So I started with a rough sketch, and started on the background.

tablet repaint part 1

I screwed up on the colour matching, so I had to paint over a part of the trees to redo the background, but the effect was actually nice! It's a shame I couldn't keep it.

tablet repaint

At this point, I was sure that I was gonna mess up! Anyway, this was my palette at the end.

my palette

In the end, it did come out okay! I could have done a better job if I had a detail brush, but even my narrowest brush is quite wide, and the dotting tool was a useless waste of time. Here's a close up before the big reveal!

tablet repaint closeup

And here it is! The weird effect in the centre trunk is because I used copper paint for highlights, and it's just catching the light weird in the photo because of the hinge.

tablet repaint finished

I'm actually happy with how it came out! There are a lot of things I could have done better (the shadows, the colour matching). I'm nowhere near the skill level of Chloe Rose, so I was happy that I was able to get at least a little close to her original.

Here's the tablet closed. I do realise that all the bending is going to make the paint start to flake after a while. I can live with it. I protected it with satin sealant, hopefully that will help it stay intact a little longer.

tablet repaint back

I wasn't feeling brave enough to attempt to paint the foliage. Which doesn't make sense, since the foliage would produce the green light, but anyway. Let's pretend it's a magical fairy forest in spring.

tablet repaint front

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