Category Archives: The Sims

How Daft Can You Get?

Someone from asked EA technical support about a problem with HomeCrafter Plus not working. HomeCrafter Plus was made by EA for The Sims 2. EA's response as follows:

Thank you for contacting Electronic Arts Technical Support regarding on your concern with The Sims 2.

As to your concern, we do not support or advice the use of this program (Homecrafter Plus) since it's considered as a game modifier. It may cause conflict(s) with the game itself.

Should you have any other concerns or problems regarding EA Games feel free to contact us or you can review our extensive Self Support Knowledgebase (


Jay P.
Technical Support
Electronic Arts™

So, how daft can you get? Very, if EA's tech support are anything to go by.

TSR Sheep and Logic-Fail

Constipation of the brain... and, er, diarrhoea of the mouth

(Apologies to Paden for nicking her line)

What super happy fun goodness in the TSR paysites 'debate' thread. This is the old thread where (in my sheepy days) T$R deleted my post because I C+P'd the EULA (or maybe it was the message from EA, I can't remember). Anyhoo, the thread's been resurrected of late, and is worth taking a look at.

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What Are Your Feelings Towards EA?

Poll results Total votes: 58

  • $#@£"%*"!!! Those taffers aren't getting a penny more out of me! (34.5% / 20 votes)
  • I'm unhappy with them, but I desperately want [insert game here], so I won't boycott (36.2% / 21 votes)
  • I'm indifferent, really (17.2% / 10 votes)
  • EA's cool! What's your problem, dude? (12.1% / 7 votes)

Whoa... 12% of voters are total crawlers for EA. Scary.

More EAxis of Evil — Spore Privacy Violation

Sheesh! What is wrong with EA?

As if SecuROM wasn't bad enough, there is also a MASSIVE SECURITY LEAK in Spore: If you EVER share ANY content with ANYONE, be warned that YOUR COMPUTER USERNAME is ENCRYPTED INTO THE CREATURE "IMAGE" FILE. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO REMOVE THIS INFORMATION BY HEXING! This means that ANYONE who downloads it will know what your username is on your computer.

This represents a MASSIVE security breach because many people (foolishly) encode their real names into their Windoze username. Even if you don't, revealing this username to the world presents a point of vulnerability for attack by hackers. By sharing any Spore content ANYWHERE, you are leaving your computer open to attack and leaving yourself open to stalking and identity theft.

From: MATY.

Like I said already, EA aren't getting a penny more out of me. What the hell is Spore anyway?

About Aikea Guinea (Again)

I just came across this thread on PMBD and something has happened which I thought impossible: my opinion of Thoma$$ has got even lower. This is by Aikea Guinea, explaining why she left FA at TSR (and also solves the mystery of why she and Gelydh didn't get listed on the retired artists page, which I was wondering about before)

I wanted tell you 'my story' and explain why I left TSR. This is in by no means a cry for attention, I'm just tired of staying silent to 'protect' someone else. I'll skip a long and stupid intro and just jump right into the long and stupid story.

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Two Cheeks of the Same Backside

A little game of spot the difference.

Expects you to hand over your money for buggy content and useless/ugly meshes Expects you to hand over your money for buggy content and useless/ugly/broken meshes
Puts profit above the opinions and feelings of its paying customers Puts profit above the opinions and feelings of its paying customers
Likes to screw up your PC Likes to screw up your game
Illegally installs malware on your computer Illegally charges money for custom content
Censors and/or bans anyone who complains about the aforementioned Censors and/or bans anyone who complains about the aforementioned
Well, at least if you're unhappy with the product you can sell it on second-hand Errr....

Still Why No Mention of Aikea and Gelydh..?

Something strikes me as strange here. It’s been some time since Aikea Guinea and Gelydh retired from FA status, yet their names have not been added to T$R’s retired artists page ( Two more recent departures (so recent that, at the time of writing, their content still hasn’t been free released) Confide and Tantra, are already listed on the retired artists page. So I wonder why Aikea and Gelydh aren’t? Weird. T$R’s choice, or Aikea and Gelydh’s?

Why You Don’t Own the Mesh File

By someone who actually knows what she is talking about... A message from Nouk in response to copyright claims by (spellings corrected by me, because I am such a pedant)

1. Whatever you import into Milkshape, has the skeleton information from the Sims 2, which give the mesh it's animation. Even if you delete the meshfile, the skeleton (bones) remain, otherwise the hair wouldn't work in the game.

Rose did not create the game animations nor the skeleton and bone information, EA/Maxis did.

2. After that, the mesh gets exported into the .gmdc format. Also, EA/Maxis made coding, not Rose.

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Cherry Pie (Sims 1)

Ayyy!! I managed to finally get a 5 star Sim! This is Cherry Pie, #1 pop singer 😀

Karaoke stage
Nice big fanbase
I took loadsa pics of her performing the music videos, but they didn't save!!

Dancing Tiddler
Dance, Kitty, dance!

Cherry's awards
Posing with her trophy cabinet — 2 awards so far

Betty the Yeti
Betty the Yeti!
I didn't know how to feed the cat on holiday, it almost starved to death, so I had to send Cherry back home after less than a day 🙁


Relaxing at home
Relaxing at home